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Weight Loss Hurdles

Weight loss hurdles may be in your way and the thought of them may keep you from even starting. Trust me, there's really nothing to fear…except you falling flat on your face as you pitifully try to jump over those hurdles, of course!

Weight loss hurdles may be in your way and the thought of them may keep you from even starting. Trust me, there's really nothing to fear…except you falling flat on your face as you pitifully try to jump over those hurdles, of course!

Wait, how the hell are you still above ground?!?!

You’ve went to the gym and stayed on track with your diet and a bunch of mean, terrible things haven’t happened to you?

You mean to tell me that no one has given you dirty looks at the gym? Like, no one made you go home and blow your brains out from the embarrassment of being there?

And not only have you not gone broke from buying slightly more expensive whole food but your body hasn’t rebelled and killed you in retaliation for subjecting it to food that man hasn’t done mad scientist shit to?

Fear of failure.

Fear of being judged and made fun of.

Fear you don’t have time or money.

Those weight loss hurdles that had you worried at the beginning and possibly kept you from starting even earlier were all in your head?

Get the fuck outta here!!!


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