Hunger-Fullness Scale


Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!⁣

Wait a minute there, buddy!

At its most basic level, weight loss is about eating less food, of which the odds of that happening increase when you limit yourself to eating only when you’re hungry. So before you eat that item that you were just about to pop into your mouth hole before I heroically stopped you, you should ask yourself if you’re hungry.

So are you?!?!⁣

Oh, you don’t know?

Well, that’s what the handy-dandy hunger-fullness scale is for!

All you have to do is refer to it to determine if you should eat or not. Plus in addition to helping you make that decision and get better aligned with your body’s hunger signals, the scale also works to help you hone in on your biological fullness cues so you don’t overeat, which is something that can result in weight gain if done consistently enough.

Hunger-Fullness Scale

1. Ravenous, may feel weak or dizzy.

2. Irritable, low energy.

3. Very hungry, stomach growling.

4. Hungry, but can wait if needed.

5. Satisfied, neither hungry nor full.

6. Pleasantly full stomach.

7. Slightly uncomfortable.

8. Feeling stuffed.

9. Very uncomfortable, stomach hurts.

10. Full to the point of feeling sick.


When feeling hungry, ask yourself where you are on the scale. If you rate what you’re feeling at a 5 or 6, then what you’re more than likely experiencing is emotional hunger, or a craving, brought on by stress, boredom, anger, sadness, depression, or some other feeling. In that case, you need to find an alternative coping strategy that doesn’t involve food.⁣ If, however, you’re at 4 or below, then what you have is physical, or true, hunger. In that event, go ahead and eat until you’re around a level 6 or 7. Go beyond that and you risk taking in more calories than you need to satisfy your hunger, in addition to also experiencing symptoms of discomfort.1The chances of overeating also increase if you wait until you’re at 1 or 2, at which point you may be famished and open yourself to the double whammy of you making poor food choices, such as choosing high-calorie items, and it being more difficult to know when to stop eating. As such, eat before reaching that level on the scale.


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