Personal Trainer | San Diego

Are you a busy professional? Check!

Are you chronically exhausted and frustrated with how you look and feel? Check!!

Do you want to do something about how you look and feel but struggle with time, motivation, and getting started? Check!!!

You’re in the right place then!

Monster Longe is a personal trainer in San Diego who’s helped countless people as busy as you realize their health and fitness goals and take back control of their lives.

And all it takes is one message today for you to be like the busy men and women that Monster has helped lose the weight they’ve had trouble losing, fit back into clothes they never thought they’d fit again, or run around with their kids on the playground instead of just sitting and watching because of breathing difficulties or knee pain caused by carrying around too much weight.

All it takes is one message today to get you in the gym with me to guide you through the proper exercises to sculpt your new body and then go home armed with the knowledge of what to do in the kitchen to support your hard work.

In just a few short weeks, imagine the positive compliments you’ll get from your family, how friends and colleagues will be in awe of your achievements, and how much more confident you’ll feel with your body.

All it takes is one message today!

Contact Form

Tell Me More About Personal Training

All personal training sessions last approximately fifty (50) minutes in length and involve working with Monster on a variety of equipment and exercises as part of an individualized workout and training program that matches your specific goals, needs, fitness level, training experience, and injury history. Also included is nutrition coaching to help you make the necessary dietary changes to support your fitness goals.

Where Does Personal Training Take Place?

Monster operates exclusively out of The Gym, a training facility in the Pacific Beach neighborhood of San Diego that’s equipped with top-of-the-line equipment and has a welcoming environment that you won’t feel intimidated in.1Client is responsible for all applicable fees.

What Goes On During Personal Training

In a typical personal training session with Monster, you’ll have an exercise explained and demonstrated so you’re aware of how to execute it and what muscle it’s targeting. Then as you perform the exercise yourself, Monster will observe you, during which he may evaluate your form and provide feedback to correct it to reduce the risk of injury or instruct you with cues to help you get the most out of the activity.

How Personal Training Works

My base rate is $70 per session but what you ultimately pay comes down to how much or how little you want to work out over a 30-day period. Please refer to the chart for more details.



Price Per Session

Total Price


8 $45 $360


12 $40 $480


16 $35 $560


20 $30 $600

After looking at the chart, it’s easy to see that the more you train, the cheaper training is for you.

So yeah, go ahead and say it…

“HOLY SHIT, that’s affordable!!!”

Contact Form


Who is personal training for?

Your favorite professional athlete has a personal trainer. So does your favorite movie star, musician, model, and business executive that has a cult-like following that baffingly equates their net worth to their IQ.2On second thought, it’s not so perplexing. Bezos, Musk, and Zuckerberg all actively feed into you believing that they’re super geniuses and their wealth is a result of that genius so as not to shed light on the fact that the economic game is rigged in their favor, with their success not coming from something inherent but from the exploitation of workers and them paying next to nothing in taxes on the monopoly profits their enterprises have extracted. Given this list of people who have personal trainers, it may seem that a personal trainer is a luxury item only for the rich and famous but that’s anything but the case.

While there are a lot of variables that influence pay, the average cost of a personal trainer in San Diego is around the national average of $40 to $70 per session.3A trainer’s certifications and credentials, experience, location, type of facility, session length, and whether the session is with only yourself and the trainer or as part of a small group are among the factors that affect the cost of hiring a personal trainer. That’s why there’s a wide variance in price between trainers and why you shouldn’t compare trainers head-to-head by price without knowing the particulars of what their fee is based on. Compared to other regular services, such as hair styling, and that many trainers offer packages and ways to lower the expense even further, personal training is more than affordable for anyone who has health and fitness goals they’re open to receiving coaching about.

Personal training is for anyone, so long as you’re receptive to coaching. So before you hire someone to help you lose weight, build muscle, get stronger, or whatever else, you should make sure you’re ready to be coached. Why that quality is important is because a lot of times, people hire a trainer and then do everything but what their trainer tells them to do, which then defeats the purpose, results in little to no progress, and ends up being a waste of the client’s money and the trainer’s time.

Why hire a personal trainer?

People work with personal trainers for a lot of reasons. Some choose to hire a personal trainer for accountability, as having a standing appointment to meet someone at a regular time and place to work out helps ensure that they actually work out instead of coming up with a creative excuse for why they can’t. Others are in need of an educator and hire a personal trainer because they’re new to exercise and don’t know what they should do or why. Then there are those who already exercise on their own but seek out the help of a trainer because they aren’t seeing the results they want or are looking for more of a challenge. Another popular reason to hire a trainer is to get ready for a specific event, like a wedding or vacation.

Can a personal trainer give nutrition advice?

By law, personal trainers in the state of California are allowed to provide their clients with structured guidance about food and food ingredients, including dietary supplements, in support of their weight loss or muscle building efforts. That right ends when it comes to diagnosing and/or giving advice about food and food ingredients to treat medical conditions. So if you’re looking for help to treat your diabetes, for example, Monster can legally share a list of foods that are slow digesting and high in fiber but can’t offer you a diet plan with the clear intention of managing your blood sugar. That service would be outside of Monster’s scope of practice and is something you’d have to consult with a registered physician or licensed dietitian for.

How can you help me with my nutrition?

Not everyone wants to eat like a bodybuilder. I completely understand and feel your pain. You can only eat so much brown rice, broccoli, and chicken breast each and every meal before you feel like placing a rifle in your mouth and going Private Pyle on yourself. Wait, did I just spoil Full Metal Jacket for you? Oh well…pick another romantic film for your “Netflix and chill”.

With a busy job schedule, after school activities, evening commitments, family obligations, and other items on your agenda competing for your time, energy, and attention, the chances of you sticking with a fat loss or muscle building diet are much greater if your meals don’t feel like another chore and you’re able to eat the foods you actually enjoy.

For this reason, rather than supplying you with a meal plan telling you to eat what you more than likely DO NOT want to eat, Monster will furnish you with a basic understanding of how to count calories and macronutrients so you can have that bowl of Frosted Flakes — the best cereal ever — for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. If, however, you want more structure and less freedom from having to make your diet fit your day-to-day life, there’s also the option of telling Monster what you like and don’t like to eat, from which he’ll create a meal plan that you should be able to adhere to and gain or lose the weight you’re supposed to.

How often should you work out with a personal trainer?

On average, clients train with Monster 4x per week. That said, there are some who only schedule two or three sessions per week. The number of times you should come into the gym to work with Monster will be dependent on several factors, such as your goal, budget, availability, and need for accountability. Those are particulars that are individual to you, from which you have to figure out what works with your given situation and won’t add strain to it.

How long should you hire a personal trainer for?

It’s not uncommon for people to sign up for a week of personal training and then complain about no results. Those people are unrealistic. For the majority of goals that people have, a week isn’t going to suffice to even make a dent in things. The total body transformations and strength gains that most people want help with should have a timetable of months and months of work. So although Monster doesn’t determine the frequency of personal training for people, he does the duration of it by having first-time personal training clients commit to three months of training because that’s usually enough time for someone to notice changes in their appearance, strength, coordination, confidence, mood, energy level, etc. Once the initial three months are up and value has been attached to Monster’s instruction, it’s not uncommon for clients to continue personal training for a year or more to bring them even further toward their goal if it hasn’t already been reached.

Is personal training worth the price?

How much is your time worth to you?

Monster’s time is worth a lot to him, which is why he charges what he does in order for him to surrender his time and devote it to you.

If your time is also valuable to you, then coaching is a bargain.

Here, let me explain…

This is the Information Age, a point in history where you can learn anything about everything with a search query.

So sure, you can save gobs of money by being directed to sites like this where you can read up on the subject of training and nutrition and then experiment on yourself, something that many have done before you and many are sure to do after you. But if your time is truly worth something to you, turning yourself into a human guinea pig as you try to figure out what is and isn’t effective for your certain body may not be the best thing to do because every second spent on that is time that could’ve been better spent curing cancer, finding a solution to global warming, or maximizing your fat loss and muscle building.

What Monster is selling is nothing more than a fast forward button, with you renting his years of knowledge and experience to avoid the lost opportunity cost that comes with learning what works and doesn’t.

That’s why coaching is more than affordable when you look at it from the perspective of saving yourself time, which is our most precious commodity.

What is your training philosophy?

Monster has been involved in fitness since he touched his first weight in 1996. During that course of time of weight training in countless gyms across the country — from New York to San Diego and everywhere else in between — what Monster has learned from casual observation is that men train with too much ego and women with not enough of one.

What’s meant by that is that men tend to use more weight than they can handle without their form breaking down and looking like they’re doing sexy time things to the weight…in the middle of the gym floor…in front of everybody and their mom to see. On the other hand, women do excessive cardio and/or don’t lift with enough intensity, as if they’re genetic descendants of Mt. Olympus gods and are going to magically transform into Schwarzenegger in drag if they even dare pick up a weight any other color than pink and heavier than 5 lbs.4Trust me, you won’t!

Regardless of the sex, these are the people who look the same year after year, despite their going to the gym and supposedly “working out”.

In addressing this, Monster likes to instill clients with one of two things. The first is that if the goal is to build muscle, then the primary objective isn’t to move the weight from point A to point B but to make the muscle work. The second lesson is that if trying to lose body fat, building calorie-burning muscle through intense weight training is superior to wasting it away on the treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike, or any other piece of cardio equipment.

All in all, it could be said that Monster’s approach is that of old-school bodybuilding.

Why that and not, let’s say, CrossFit?

Probably because the belief in progressive resistance weight training and principles of proper technique, connecting the mind to the muscle, and making every single second of a workout count are simple, time-honored concepts that have proven themselves effective for many people regardless of their physique goal. Considering that, why wouldn’t anyone subscribe to and want to impart them?

What is your training experience?

Monster learned everything he knows about weightlifting from the prison yard. If you don’t know, you have to be able to stand your ground in the penitentiary, where getting swole is right behind joining a gang as the best means to protect yourself from getting punked for your commissary or becoming another inmate’s fuck hole. Monster has never been able to work well with others as a team, so gang life was completely out of the question when he stepped off the bus and entered intake to begin life as prisoner #90210…

Wait, what?! You believed that?!?!

That’s probably because Monster’s Black…

…and you’re RACIST, you fucking racist!!!

Monster has recent book learning about nutrition, fitness, stress management, human physiology, and human anatomy from Moorpark College in California, as well as kinesiology from Marist College in New York as part of that school’s athletic training program. At this time, Monster is also certified as a fitness trainer under ISSA, or the International Sports Sciences Association.

While formal book smarts may qualify Monster in the eyes of some as knowing what he’s talking about, those credentials are nothing more than supplementary to his hands-on experience experimenting on himself and others for close to a decade before he even cracked open any textbook on the subject. Truthfully, at least in his opinion, there’s a world of difference between what’s learned in the classroom and what’s learned on the gym floor. There are a shitload of trainers with certifications on top of certifications, degrees on top of degrees, who, for instance, know chapter and verse about optimal squat movement pattern but can’t apply one iota of it to produce actual results — such as making their clients brutally strong, adding a few more inches to their outer quad sweep, or developing rounder glutes without increasing the size of the thighs.

What you’re impressed by — whether it be Monster’s technical or practical knowledge, or combination of both — is up to you.

What kinds of clients do you work with?

There are certain people Monster will work with and certain people he won’t. Monster is not one of those trainers who has a policy of training any and everybody who walks through their door. Because you ultimately serve nobody when you do so, he doesn’t try to be all things to all people.

As such, Monster confines his practice to (1) amateurs totally new to fitness or without heaps of experience and (2) intermediates who have some exercise background but lack the knowledge to take their body to the next level. Moreover, these people aren’t weekend warriors or people seeking out a quick fix. Neither are they quitters. They’re individuals who are truly serious about improving their fitness and changing their lives. If you’re not willing to step outside of your comfort zone, be held accountable, and do everything you’re told to do inside and outside of the gym, MONSTER WILL FIRE YOU as a client!

In terms of specifics, Monster primarily works with lifestyle clients. While they come from all walks of life ranging from college students to professionals to soccer moms to people old enough to have soccer moms for daughters, the common thread between them all is the belief that they don’t have time to exercise or eat properly. Additionally, these aren’t bikini girls, competitive bodybuilders, or any kind of physique athlete who trains with the express intent of stepping onstage for the validation of others. Instead, they’re people who want to have an active lifestyle so they can play with their kids without running out of breath, fit again into the pair of jeans they used to wear in high school, be able to go out in public and feel confident about their appearance, look in the mirror and finally love the person looking back at them.

How often do you make adjustments for clients?

Depending on the results of weigh-ins, progress photos, and training sessions, Monster makes changes in the nutrition and exercise programs of all clients as needed.

At the outset, some clients are good right from the gate while others require constant adjustment until something is found that agrees with their metabolism, schedule, preference, whatever.

After then, modifications are made accordingly in order to promote continued results, even when clients themselves are not observant of them. That means that zero changes are made at times because they’re not necessary, even though the scale might not have budged for a number of weeks or they may have plateaued on a certain lift; other times it means small or large-scale revision of the nutritional plan, workout regimen, or both.

Can I train with a personal trainer if I have a preexisting injury or medical condition?

Many times, a doctor will recommend exercise for its myriad of health benefits but that depends on the exact ailment. Regardless, you should consult with a physician and inform them of your desire to change your activity and/or dietary habits to determine what your physical and/or nutritional restrictions are, if any. From there, you should inform your personal trainer of your condition so your workout plan, exercises, and nutritional advice can be modified accordingly to ensure your health and safety.

What if I get injured and can’t work out?

Monster’s pricing for personal training has been compared to that of a buffet. Because you can train as much as you want per month for a one-time fee, it’s basically all-you-can-eat.

Keeping in line with the buffet analogy, if you bite your tongue so badly during the first meal that you can’t continue eating and getting your money’s worth, the restaurant doesn’t reimburse you for that inconvenience. Monster’s policy is similar. Once payment is rendered for any given month, that’s it. You can train as much or as little as you like. That said, there is some wiggle room.

With the initial three-month agreement that the monthly fee for personal training is contingent on, your account can be frozen if extenuating circumstances present themselves. One example would be you providing a doctor’s note explaining that you’re physically unable to do X and need Y amount of time off. If agreement is reached to freeze your account and the agreed upon date comes for the account to be unfrozen, payment is required for the remaining month(s).5As an illustration, let’s say you paid for the month of December on the 1st,supposedly “injured” yourself on the 24th, and your strip mall “doctor” said you need at least 30 days of rest. If agreement is reached to freeze your account until February, that means payment cannot be returned for the month of December but you’re not obligated to surrender payment for January. However, once February comes, payment is owed whether you elect to train or not.

What type of results can I expect?

While other people’s results are certainly no guarantee of your own, there are dozens of clients who’ve achieved their goals under my guidance. Their results can be seen HERE through various charts and graphs showing their progress over numerous weeks. Give those charts and graphs a look over and see how others have benefited from working with me. Testimonials from clients can also help with that. Some are provided below. More accounts from people detailing their experiences and outcomes with my other products and services are available on the page dedicated to testimonials. Even more social proof can be found on Yelp and Google Reviews, both of which are linked on the testimonials page. The results of the many should give you an idea of what’s possible for yourself.


What People Are Saying About Personal Training

Ashley Kattoula
San Diego, CA

Working out is not one of my favorite things to do. Before meeting Monster, my other trainers never explained what I was doing or why I was using certain weights. Monster explained each exercise and what body part it was targeting. If it was too much for me, he would change the work out around or eliminate the weight for me so I could finish the work out. He was always on time and focused on me fully. He never was distracted. My body was toning so fast. He is very tough!

Service: Personal Training
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Owen Lewis
San Diego, CA

When I first met Monster I was a cocky 185 pound, self-proclaimed “expert” at lifting weights and building muscle. I was quickly humbled when I stepped into World Gym with Monster. Don’t be fooled by his name this man is a gentle giant teeming with wisdom about the way the body works. I hadn’t had much training before I met him other than what the unverified internet taught me so I was shocked that I had hit a plateau especially with my leg development.

Monster walked me through everything with an immensely personal dieting plan and a rigorous workout routine that pushes you past what you thought you were capable of doing.

Tell Monster what you want and he will make it happen. He’s worth every penny.

Service: Personal Training
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Shirmelle Richards
San Diego, CA

When I first moved to San Diego, I was determined to find a trainer that could take my body goals to another level. I felt like I needed a trainer because I never really knew what equipment in the gym targeted which muscle groups and I needed that extra push! At first, I was slightly skeptical because I had never done weightlifting in my life. Nonetheless, I searched and found Monster on Instagram.

Let me just start by saying Monster’s sense of humor is off the charts!

When we met for the consultation at The Gym, I told him I wanted to get lean, feel stronger, and learn how to do pull-ups. I started off by doing inverted rows, then negative pull-ups, and now assisted pull-ups. It’s definitely still a struggle but I’m celebrating all the small victories. One of the biggest things that helped me to reach my goals was the meal plan Monster created that was tailored to fit my vegetarian lifestyle. My starting weight was 150 lbs and my current weight is 133 lbs.

I have learned from Monster the importance of consistency in and out of the gym. He is very knowledgeable and has definitely pushed me further than I could ever imagine. Monster offers several different services that vary depending on your lifestyle, so if you’re trying to get your fitness together, hit him up.

You won’t regret it!

Service: Personal Training
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
See on Google Reviews

Marty Potok
San Diego, CA

As a male over 60 years old, one of my main objectives was to gain muscle and overall weight. To achieve this goal, I learned I would have to eat the proper foods and not just pump up on carbs and calories. Being a diabetic made this even more challenging. My expectations were not to look like Schwarzenegger, just a fit individual for my age.

I worked with [Monster] for several months and learned a great deal about training. He taught me to focus and isolate the targeted muscles. Heavy weights are not always the answer, lighter weights will suffice and greatly reduce the chance of injury.

I’ve had previous trainers that would tell you what exercise to do and then play with their cell phone or other distraction. [Monster] was there watching and encouraging you to get those extra reps, which he referred to as the “MONEY REPS”. He is a fine specimen. He’s intimidating until you get to know him, at which time you realize he actually cares.

I was not disappointed.

Service: Personal Training
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Brandon Wilson
San Diego, CA

Other trainers have never trained me to the same intensity or pushed me as hard and were less experienced. Monster was able to help me set a higher standard for myself as it pertains to the volume and intensity of my workouts, and he pushed me beyond a comfort zone I would have trouble pushing myself through.

I was slightly intimidated because I’d never trained with very many people before, especially ones half as experienced as him and at a bigger gym with more serious people.

My favorite part of the training was the constant sets and supersets that were really kicking my ass for every last rep and then some. That left the target muscles very fatigued and feeling like I had worked them to their fullest extent.

I would recommend Monster to everyone because he’s a whole new level of training and knows how to cue you to focus on the muscle being targeted and building a strong mind-muscle connection. I can definitely tell that I will develop much more muscle than I have been with other programs due to the new level of intensity I was introduced to straight from the warmups.

Service: Personal Training
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Jessica Sandoval
San Diego, CA

I trained with Monster for 2 years and it has been quite a journey.

[Monster] was just what I needed. He wasn’t there to take my bullshit excuses, he was there to push me and he pushed every second I was with him. He helped me understand my nutrition. He didn’t just give me a cookie-cutter meal plan. Instead, he helped me understand why I needed the amount of protein I did and how to change my meals but still stay within my macros. He set me up to succeed on my own in the future.

I’ve never been pushed to my breaking point as much as I was with him. I say “I can’t” a million times during my workouts but Monster doesn’t let me quit no matter how much I beg. He’s not there to baby you and make you feel comfortable. He’s there to make you work. You get your money’s worth with him. I got so many compliments with how great I was starting to look, something I couldn’t achieve on my own by not understanding my nutrition or using the proper form during my workouts.

Being on the heavy side, Monster really had to personalize my workouts because there were some things I just couldn’t do because my fat wouldn’t let me bend certain ways. I love knowing I had a personalized workout. I saw amazing results.

I’ve learned so much about my body, about this new lifestyle. I always beat myself up for letting myself get so big but Monster helped me understand that I didn’t get here in a day, a week, or even a month, so it wasn’t going to take me a day, week, or month to get to my goal. Even though it wasn’t in his job description, he was there to listen to my shit when I wanted to quit because I didn’t lose a pound or gained weight. This weight loss journey has been a bitch but Monster has made it easier.

If you’re ready to be held accountable and stop making excuses, Monster is for you!

Service: Personal Training
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
See on Yelp

John Gross
San Diego, CA

When I first met Mr. Longe, I have to admit I was intimidated. I was somewhat of a novice in the gym; a casual lifter who tried to fit in a few days a week when he could and [Monster] was anything but. However, I found Mr. Longe to be the perfect balance of approachability and mentorship, in addition to being an insanely inspiring coach.

I’ve trained with several people and sometimes it feels like you’re constantly being left behind or coached like a lineman in preseason training, but never with [Monster]. With him, training is like a good day at the gym with your favorite lifting partner — except now your partner knows how to make you get the best workout possible.

Mr. Longe’s a cerebral trainer. He takes meticulous care of your body and plans every workout down to each rep so as to maximize your time together. After just a few sessions with him, I could see, and definitely feel, results.

I highly recommend training with [Monster], no matter what your skill level is, with only one condition: you’d better be ready to work!

Service: Personal Training
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐