30-Day Habit Building Challenge Series


If you’re like most people, you obsess too much about losing the wrong thing. And that’s what? Your livelihood? Your family? Your sanity? While those are all good guesses, they’re wrong!!!

That thing you spend too much time worried about losing is weight. What you should be more concerned about is losing habits, primarily your bad ones!



How many different diets have you been on and then gained the weight back once the diet was over? Yeah, a bunch! That’s because nothing was changed in the weeks and months you ate the foods in the amount the diet told you to eat. During that time of following the diet, all your bad habits that you started the diet with and are responsible for you needing to lose weight remained untouched. So, of course, when the diet stops it’s those same habits you fell back on and *BOOM!!!* here comes the weight again!

Aren’t you tired of falling back on those same habits?

Isn’t it time for something different?

Isn’t it time to do something that actually works?

Habit formation and behavior change are the key to lasting weight loss and improved health, and Monster Longe’s M30 series of monthly challenges can help with that!

Tell Me More About M30

Habit formation is the process by which regular repetition of a behavior causes the performance of that behavior to become very easy to do, if not automatic or habitual. That process can take anywhere from 18 to 256 days, with the average being 66 days for behavior modification to settle. That means you have to perform a behavior over and over and over again before it becomes an action that you do almost without thinking.

So what is M30?

M30 uses the 30-day challenge model as the vehicle for change and is a series of individual 30-day challenges that build on top of one another to bring about the gradual formation of good habits that are necessary to achieve and maintain ideal health and proper weight.

How M30 Works

When you sign up for your first 30-day challenge, you’ll receive a packet of information and items for you to do over the course of those 30 days, with one of them being a habit for you to practice. Once that 30-day period is over, sign up for a new challenge and receive another small change you can make to develop into another habit. During the 30 days of your second challenge, you’ll practice that one small change in addition to some items from the first challenge. When that 30-day period ends, sign up for a third 30-day challenge and the cycle repeats itself, as you’ll be given one small change to make in addition to the others you’ve already made in the first and second challenges.

That means you’ll always be working on developing one new habit while also still performing the habit(s) from the previous challenge(s) that will now take you less and less effort to do thanks to their continuous repetition and the focus on only having to make one change to your life at a time rather than completely changing everything overnight, which is what many people do and why they fail at their weight loss goal.

What’s Included With M30

• Rules
A list of instructions for you to follow to help you eat what you want and still achieve success at the end of the monthly challenge without having to count calories, weigh food, log or track food intake, or do anything else you don’t want to do.

• Grocery List
An inventory of food items from all of the major food groups for you to select from and make your own meals and snacks during the monthly challenge instead of being told what to eat and possibly not liking the options or getting tired from having to eat the same thing over and over and over again.

• Activity Calendar
A schedule of the type and amount of exercise you should perform for any given day of the monthly challenge.1NOTE: You should own a step counting device, such as a Fitbit, Apple watch, or smartphone app. Other equipment you should have are mini-bands, hip circles, and strength bands (also known as pull-up assistance bands).

• Activity Tracker
A sheet you can print out to record your stats and mark off the days you’ve completed the exercise part of the monthly challenge so you can see how well (or poorly) you’re doing to help hold you accountable or provide motivation, if not both.

• Habit Tracker
Another great tool for visual people to self-monitor themselves like the Activity Tracker, this sheet is for staying on top of the small change that needs to be practiced throughout the 30-day challenge.

• Community
Access to the private Discord channel for support and engagement with Monster and others also participating in the monthly challenge.

Who M30 Is For

The M30 series is for those who want to get off the diet roller coaster and are ready and willing to invest the time necessary to develop sustainable habits to create a healthier and fitter version of themselves.

Who M30 Is Not For

The M30 series isn’t for those who still have yet to learn that a quick fix isn’t the solution to their problems.

Why M30 Is Right For You

• Easy to follow
• Compatible with existing nutritional or exercise program
• Adjusts to your schedule and preferences
• Takes the stress out of trying to live a healthier lifestyle
• Designed for real life
• Proven strategies
• Built for results that last


Fine Print:
No guarantees are made about results. This offering is non-refundable/returnable/exchangeable. ALL SALES ARE FINAL. No give-backsies!!!