Daily Calorie Needs Calculator


This calculator uses your age, size, sex, and activity level to arrive at the amount of calories you should eat every day. The value obtained is what’s necessary to maintain your current weight. Not happy with your current weight? Then all you have to do is adjust the number based on your goal. For example, if you want to lose weight, you should subtract 500 calories from your maintenance calories. That’ll help you lose weight at a rate of 1 lb per week. To lose weight a little faster, subtract even more calories but make sure not to exceed a reduction of 1000 total calories per day. Lowering calories by more than that figure can have negative effects, such as the loss of muscle, which can make it harder to keep any lost weight off when you return to a higher calorie intake. Moreover, eating that few calories isn’t sustainable. To gain weight, add 500 calories to your daily allowance. That’ll help you put on 1 lb per week. Likewise, if you want to gain weight a little faster, you can add more calories to your intake but no more than 1000 to limit the accumulation of body fat.



This calculator uses the Mifflin-St Jeor equation. While it’s considered the most accurate of the formulas that are commonly used to calculate calorie needs, it’s not 100 percent accurate because it’s based on population-level data. And why’s that a potential problem? Ummmmmmm, it has the potential to be a problem because you happen to be an individual with your own unique factors that contribute to your body’s energy demands. As an illustration, the calculator may over- or underestimate the calorie requirements for pregnant or breastfeeding women and individuals with metabolic conditions, like diabetes, for example. With that being the case that the calculated figure isn’t individualized in accordance with your genetics, health, medications, and other particulars, you should treat the recommended calories as a starting point, with you closely observing how your weight responds to the intake and then making changes as necessary.


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