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Bacon Nutrition Facts

Image of bacon slices and their nutritional values.

Image of bacon slices and their nutritional values.

Do you like bacon?

I know, it’s a stupid question because WHO DOESN’T LIKE BACON?!?!

Bacon is yummy 😋 ⁣

However, as yummy as bacon is, it can be bad for your weight because of the high calorie, sodium, and saturated fat content.

That being the case, you probably think you have to give bacon up to lose weight.

That’s where you’re wrong, buddy.


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Bacon can certainly have disastrous effects on your weight, in addition to your health, but that’s only if you go so far as to eat nothing but bacon without a care in the world for the amount of it or anything else you’re consuming throughout the day. As long as you’re not doing that but instead eating bacon in moderation and accounting for its calories along with those from other foods so your total daily calories are below maintenance levels, bacon isn’t as bad for your waistline as it’s made out to be.

In fact, bacon can be good for you.

Yeah, good for you!1Bacon provides a good amount of B vitamins that help the body release energy from carbs and fat. Other nutrients include choline, selenium, potassium, and phosphorus, all of which have their own respective function in things like brain health, mood regulation, muscle contraction, and nerve transmission, to name a few. Further, the fat content in bacon may help with weight management by promoting satiety, in addition to having heart-healthy effects due to its monounsaturated nature, of which constitutes 50 percent of the fat found in bacon.

If you enjoy eating bacon, then incorporating it into your diet can go a long way to seeing it through and achieving the results you’re after because the inclusion of your favorite foods won’t make you feel like you’re depriving yourself. And when that feeling is avoided, you’re less likely to experience and fall victim to cravings or the desire to quit, which then results in greater adherence to your weight loss efforts.

That’s very well why you should make sure to eat bacon on your diet if that’s what you like eating. After all, weight loss is about food quantity. If you take in less calories than your body burns, you’ll lose weight no matter how “bad” or unhealthy what you eat is. When it comes to health and body composition, that’s when quality becomes relevant. But for the time being, if your main objective is to lose weight and to do so in a manner that doesn’t add to your daily stressors, then go with a flexible approach that doesn’t limit you to salad, kale, quinoa, and whatever recipes there are that call for cauliflower to pretend to be something it damn well isn’t.

Bacon Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 slice raw (28g)

• Calories: 117

• Total Fat: 11g

• Cholesterol: 18mg

• Sodium: 185mg

• Total Carbohydrate: 0.4g

• Dietary Fiber: 0g

• Sugar: 0g

• Protein: 3.5g

Glossary: calories, diet, dietary fat, moderation, muscle


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