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Eating With Chopsticks To Lose Weight

Eating W/Chopsticks To Lose Weight written in text with image of a woman's hand holding chopsticks.

Eating With Chopsticks To Lose Weight

Eating W/Chopsticks To Lose Weight written in text with image of a woman's hand holding chopsticks.

How fast do you eat?

Do you shovel a new spoon- or forkful, dare I say HANDFUL!!!, of food into your mouth before the load that’s already in it is chewed and swallowed?

Well then, since you obviously eat in the manner that was so accurately described because I’m omniscient like that, that solves the mystery of why you’re fat!

See, when you eat, hunger hormones send signals to the brain to tell it when you’re full. When you eat too fast, your body doesn’t pick up on those cues that it’s had enough food, resulting in the consumption of excess calories. Conversely, eating slowly buys the brain time to receive the signals in question so you only take in as many calories as needed.

So what’s one way to slow down how fast you eat?

Yes, you could not use what essentially amounts to a shovel to shovel food into your mouth hole!

…or you could use chopsticks!

Eating with chopsticks will force you to take smaller bites of food because you can’t pinch as much food with them as you can pile on a spoon or fork with each mouthful, and smaller bites means it takes longer to eat. And the longer it takes to eat, the more likely you are to recognize your stomach’s fullness and stop before overeating.

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Now, to be clear, chopsticks by themselves won’t make you thin, as there are plenty of chunky, chopstick wielding Asians out there. But that’s mostly because they’ve gotten so proficient at using chopsticks that they’re able to use them to quickly shovel food into their face like their spoon and fork using counterparts. However, you’re more than likely not to be proficient in their use because you’re a Westerner. As such, what chopsticks will do is slow your eating down considerably because you’ll be so uncoordinated with them that it’ll take you a comedic amount of time getting each bite to your mouth, not to say anything about the comedic effect of you looking like an absolute joke as you continuously drop food and try again to clumsily pick it up!

As stated, eating with chopsticks takes some getting used to.

When you first begin, it’ll take longer to eat than you currently do, which should help cut down on unnecessary calories from your body not registering that it’s full. Then by the time you become a champ at using chopsticks and are able to eat faster with them, the rhythm of eating slower should be ingrained. If it’s not, then simply switch to using them with your left hand if you’re right-handed, for example. Eating with your non-dominant hand is one of several other methods for lengthening meal time, as is using smaller utensils, such as a teaspoon to eat yogurt and ice cream, and putting your eating utensil down between bites. Be sure to give any one of those a try, too!

Glossary: calories, fat, hormones


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