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Why You Should Plan Your Meals

Why You Should Plan Your Meals written in text with image of an apple and markers on top of a flat surface with meals written down.

Why You Should Plan Your Meals

Why You Should Plan Your Meals written in text with image of an apple and markers on top of a flat surface with meals written down.

Wanna know the one thing you can do to make sure that you lose weight?

Huh, do ya?

Well, stop eating so much.

Hardy har har!!!

But seriously now, there’s something that you can do to help you with weight loss.

Care to know what it is?

Of course you do!

The one thing I can tell you to do is to dedicate a day each week to taking an inventory of the food in your house and then opening up your notes app to jot down and schedule what you would like to eat for each feeding opportunity that presents itself over those seven days.

So basically, what you should do is PLAN AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!

Can’t quite grasp why you should plan out your meals and snacks in advance, as well as to have them prepared if time permits?

Well, have you ever had to stop and grab something on the way to work because you didn’t have enough time to make breakfast at home? What about get take-out, order delivery, or pick something out of the vending machine because you didn’t bring lunch to work with you? How many times have you left work and made a food delivery order once you got home because there’s nothing prepared and you have little energy to cook, if you didn’t stop along the way to pick up food at a restaurant for the same reason?

All of those situations you’ve undoubtedly found yourself in lead to less than stellar food choices, as the meals and snacks sold by commercial food service establishments are notoriously high in calories, fat, sugar, and sodium. Eaten regularly enough, that food can result in weight gain.

And that’s where meal planning and prepping comes into play…⁣

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Better weight control is associated with knowing what you’re going to eat and having it prepared and/or readily available because that planning eliminates the need to make a poor food decision out of convenience. As an illustration, many people get home at the end of a long day and might order a pizza to save themselves the hassle of making a decision on what to eat after looking through the fridge and pantry. By having your food already decided on and made, all you have to do in that same situation is get home at the end of a long day and immediately zap a prepared meal in the nuke box. Further helping with weight control, prepping your meals puts you in the position of being better able to portion them out to meet your nutrition needs so you don’t exceed your daily requirement of calories, for example.

So yeah, that’s why meal planning is ¡muy importante!

Now, can you grasp that?!?!⁣

Glossary: calories, dietary fat


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