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Shaker Bottle

Shaker Bottle written in text with image of a shaker bottle behind a mound of protein powder and scooper.

Shaker Bottle

Shaker Bottle written in text with image of a shaker bottle behind a mound of protein powder and scooper.

You know how you shrivel up and die every time you don’t drink a protein shake as soon as your workout is over?

Of course you don’t know about that because no such thing happens.

Contrary to the belief that makes you live in fear of not seeing gains if your workout ends and you eat a second, not a nanosecond, later, current research suggests that the body is prime for nutrients for as long as 24-72 hours after the termination of a workout.

Yes, nutrient timing, or the post-workout window, is a myth!

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With that said that you don’t have to drink protein right away, a shaker bottle is something that you might want to place in your gym bag for a quick recovery meal before you go home and prepare something more elaborate. As to what to look for, there’s really nothing to it.

A shaker bottle is just a bottle that you shake.

If anything, it should be leak proof so the liquid contents don’t go flying all over the place and land, perhaps, on someone’s face. While saying it was an “accident” when you spray your fluids on someone’s face when they’re not expecting it usually works as an excuse in the bedroom, it might not work so well in the gym! And if you have a protein powder with poor mixability or want to thoroughly blend your protein, peanut butter, glutamine, and other contents together, then one of those shaker bottles with the metal ball that you have no idea what it’s for is great for breaking up clumps. Also, if you plan on using your shaker bottle as a water bottle too, then you might want to look for a shaker with a detachable compartment so you have a place to store your protein powder and other ingredients.

Glossary: gym, gym bag, workout


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