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Beef Nutrition Facts

Image of a rib eye beef steak and its nutritional values.

Why on earth would you ever eat fucking beef?!?!, you ask incredulously.

Good question!

Beef is from a cute wittle animal and eating cute wittle animals = 🤮⁣⁣⁣⁣

But here’s the thing…

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If you’re a child, senior, or woman, you’re more likely to suffer a deficiency in iron. Well, guess what’s a great source of this mineral that helps oxygenate the blood so the cells can produce energy?⁣

Yup, you guessed it!⁣

The answer is indeed beef.

Beef is a form of red meat, and iron is best absorbed by the body from red meat even though beans, grains, and dark green leafy plants are also rich in that mineral.1Know why red meat is called “red meat”? It’s because the meat is red when it’s raw, unlike fowl and other animal flesh that’s pale in color and is classified as “white meat”. The difference in appearance has to do with myoglobin, with red meat containing more of the protein than white meat. Ha, now you’re going to kill it at the next trivia night! Something else that can be found in other foods but is best absorbed via red meat is zinc, a micronutrient that keeps the immune system working properly and is required for DNA synthesis.⁣

Not enough to convince you yet?⁣

Okay, then there’s the fact that red meat is abundant with B6 and B12, vitamins that are beneficial for the immune system and nervous system, respectively.⁣

Still not sold?⁣

Okay, then there’s the high protein, creatine, and carnosine content of red meat, all of which are important nutrients that have an effect on muscle function.⁣

Ooooooh, I said “muscle” and look who eating a cute wittle animal suddenly sounds tasty to!

Rib Eye Steak Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 steak (291g)

• Calories: 847

• Total Fat: 63g

• Cholesterol: 233mg

• Sodium: 157mg

• Total Carbohydrate: 0g

• Dietary Fiber: 0g

• Sugar: 0g

• Protein: 69g

Glossary: muscle


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