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Who’s The Best Personal Trainer In San Diego?

Who's The Best Personal Trainer In San Diego written in text with image of a gold medal attached to a red ribbon.

Who’s The Best Personal Trainer In San Diego?

Who's The Best Personal Trainer In San Diego written in text with image of a gold medal attached to a red ribbon.

Who’s the best personal trainer in San Diego?

If you’re looking to get in shape, San Diego is certainly the right place for that.

There’s beautiful weather, plenty of beaches, a lot of good looking people, and a shitload of personal trainers to help you become more attractive to one of those good looking people. Fuck, even “shitload” is an understatement. It seems like EVERYONE in San Diego is a personal trainer!

Nah, really.


So who’s the best in the area then?

Gee, let’s see…

I’m a personal trainer…

…and I live in San Diego…

…so of course, the answer is…

This is where someone lacking humility would say “me”, with them proceeding to hard sell the hell out of you to convert you into a client.

While I do indeed have a sizable ego and know I should very well pitch myself to you, I’m going to be upfront and say the answer to who the best personal trainer in San Diego is a resounding “who the fuck knows”.

Yeah, that’s right!

Who the fuck knows who the best personal trainer is!!!

The answer to who’s the best is going to depend on your needs and various other factors, such as individual temperament and if yours matches with your trainer’s, something I wouldn’t have a clue about because I don’t know you personally. So given that I can’t specifically answer the question, what I will do instead is provide you with help on a few things to look for to guide your decision-making process in finding and choosing the best personal trainer for you not only if you live in San Diego or are visiting the area but also for anywhere in the world.

Click through to go to to purchase The Personal Trainer Buyer's Guide: Step-By-Step Instructions For Looking For A Personal Trainer.

Whoever you select as your trainer should have some kind of formal education in something fitness related, such as exercise science at a major university. However, not everyone falls for the trap of accruing a mountain of student debt to become a personal trainer, a field with an absurdly low barrier of entry. In that case, the prospective trainer should at least have a certification by one of the field’s accrediting bodies, such as ACE, NASM, ISSA, and various other alphabet organizations.

Now, allow me to contradict myself.


As important as formal education is, it’s really not the be-all and end-all. There are plenty of trainers who know chapter and verse about proper squat mechanics and joint angles, for instance, but can’t coach a client to get brutally strong on that lift. On the other end of the spectrum are coaches with no formal education of any kind who can get real-world results because they’ve been in the trenches for years. That comes down to experience, which also plays a pivotal role in your shopping decision.

As for what else you should consider…


My, this is embarrassing but I seem to be drawing a blank here on what else I wanted to add!

A person’s body and the large social media following they have because of it?!?!, you ask.

Whoa, there!

Sorry, but abs, a big booty, and anything else that’s related to someone’s appearance doesn’t mean jack.


Because there are some people who look like shit but are extremely knowledgeable in how to bend the body to the imagination’s will. And then there are people who are physical specimens who don’t even know the basics. Lucky for them, far too many people don’t know the basics themselves to be able to discern the bullshit from the factual. So yeah, don’t rely on what you see on someone’s social media feed as a barometer of their competence.

*snap fingers*

Ahhhhhhh, now I remember!

Given the spate of people who train others as a side hustle in between their full-time gig as a cop, EMT, hairstylist, or what have you, what I was going to say is that you should also look for a trainer whose sole occupation is training so they can give you the attention you need and are paying for even after a training session is over.

It’s those three things — education, practical knowledge, and availability — that are all going to determine the type of service you receive and the results you get.

As for me and where I fall?

Shiiiiiiiiitttttttt, that’s what I have a FAQs page for!

Moreover, why tell you how great I am at the risk of coming across biased when there’s Yelp and Google Reviews so you can hear from other people how much you need me in your life?!

Glossary: abs, fitness, personal trainer


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