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How To: Bodyweight Squats

How To: Bodyweight Squats written in text with image of a woman performing bodyweight squats.

How To: Bodyweight Squats

How To: Bodyweight Squats written in text with image of a woman performing bodyweight squats.

The only place where pancakes belong is on a plate.⁣

So being the case that you’re a human and not a plate, those pancakes of yours don’t belong where they are.⁣

That’s why you should squat!⁣!!

But there’s one problem, and that problem is that you don’t have a gym membership and access to a squat rack to do barbell back squats.

While that does suck, it doesn’t mean that you can’t squat.


Lucky for you that there are many variations of squats, many of which involve zero equipment. One of these is the basic bodyweight squat that only requires your body weight to do it.1The bodyweight squat is also known as an air squat. Use the bodyweight squat form described below and it’s only a matter of time before you’re taking days off from work after calling in thick! Continue reading How To: Bodyweight Squats

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The Reason For Weak Days At The Gym

The Reason For Weak Days At The Gym written in text with image of a man struggling to bench press a barbell.

The Reason For Weak Days At The Gym

The Reason For Weak Days At The Gym written in text with image of a man struggling to bench press a barbell.

What’s with weak days at the gym?

You know, one day you’re working out and you feel like you can lift all the weight in the gym and then the next time you work out that same muscle group, you can barely lift a thing. The weight you used the workout before feels heavy as fuck and you can’t do as many reps.

Yeah, exactly, you can relate!

So what’s going on?

Click through to go to to purchase an ebook by Monster Longe.

Why does your strength level go from one extreme to another in a matter of days sometimes? Continue reading The Reason For Weak Days At The Gym

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Progressive Overload Explained

Progressive Overload Explained written in text with image of a young man flexing his biceps while seated at a table with dumbbells of various data-lazy-sizes on top of it.

Progressive Overload Explained

Progressive Overload Explained written in text with image of a young man flexing his biceps while seated at a table with dumbbells of various data-lazy-sizes on top of it.

No longer seeing results in the gym?

Like, your strength hasn’t budged in the weight room since lord knows how long?

Well, are you working out the same way you did when you first began working out?


While it may be good that you’re doing the same exercises and have so far resisted the temptation to switch them up every single time you work out, it’s not so good that virtually everything else in your routine is identical from week to week, month to month, year to year, decade to decade, and millennia to millennia if you happen to be immortal.

Why’s that?, you ask.

That’s a good question that only cements that you need to have progressive overload explained to you! Continue reading Progressive Overload Explained