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How To: Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extensions

How To: Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extensions

How To: Dumbbell Overhead Extensions written in text with image of a woman performing dumbbell overhead tricep extensions.

The triceps make up about two-thirds of the upper arms. So if you want big arms, you should focus as much on developing the triceps as you do the biceps, possibly even more. This is especially the case when it comes to the long head.

See, the triceps are composed of three heads, or points of origin where the muscles converge into a single tendon. These heads are the medial, lateral, and long. The long head is the largest head of the triceps and thus contributes the most to the shape and size of the arms. That explains why developing the long head should be a priority. As for how to target the long head, that involves performing exercises where the arms are raised overhead, as that allows for the greatest stretch of the part in question. If you haven’t guessed by now, dumbbell overhead extensions are one such exercise that places the arms in the optimal position for long head growth.

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1). Grab a dumbbell and stand with your feet spread about shoulder-width apart and a slight bend in your knees.1The provided instructions are for the execution of the exercise standing up but the movement can also be performed sitting down, which requires less core stability. The trade-off to doing it standing, the harder way, is that you’ll burn slightly more calories than you would sitting because more muscles have to be recruited to keep you upright. So keep that in mind when determining which variation to perform. Now, to perform the exercise seated, sit up straight on a flat surface with your legs spread about shoulder-width apart and feet flat on the ground. The rest of the instructions are the same onward.

NOTE: If not using a flat bench but a seat with a back support, be mindful not to use one that interferes with the lowering of the dumbbell!

2). Overlap both hands around the dumbbell handle and lift the weight above your head so your arms are fully extended and your palms are facing the ceiling.

3). Brace your core as if someone were getting ready to punch you in the stomach and breathe in as you bend your elbows to lower the weight behind your head.

4). When the dumbbell is lowered as far as possible behind your head, pause for 1 second and then breathe out while extending your arms to press the weight upward to the starting position until the dumbbell is directly over your head once again.

5). Pause for 1-2 seconds before beginning the next rep.

NOTE (1): Your head and neck should never jut forward, so make sure they remain neutral during the entire exercise.

NOTE (2): Keep your elbows pinned back by your ears throughout the movement so your arms don’t travel forward or backward as you lift the weight. The only thing that should be moving are your forearms at the elbow joint!!! Also, don’t allow your elbows to flare out too wide to the side. Instead, keep your elbows in close to your head to maintain tension where it’s supposed to be.

NOTE (3): Don’t bounce!!!2By bouncing, that means bending at the knees to generate momentum to use your lower body to help drive the weight up. Don’t do that shit!

For a workout routine that possibly includes dumbbell overhead extensions, as well as other exercises geared specifically to your goals, training experience, injury history, and available equipment, then find out more HERE

Glossary: arms, bench, biceps, dumbbell, exercise, goal, muscle, priority, routine


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