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Energy Balance In Nutrition

Energy Balance In Nutrition

Energy Balance In Nutrition written in text with image of a golden scale.

Are you in balance?

With nature?, you ask.⁣


With your work and social life?⁣, you ask again because you obviously love being wrong.⁣


No, the question is are you in balance with your calorie needs!

Weight management is all about that shit…

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In the term “energy balance”, “energy” refers to calories and “balance” concerns the relationship between the calories taken into the body and the calories burned by the body. When you eat and drink roughly the same amount of calories that your body uses to fuel itself for its vital functions and in performance of daily activities and intentional exercise, your body weight will remain stable.

The movement of weight in either direction happens as a result of that balance getting thrown out of whack. In the case of weight gain, that occurs when you consistently consume more calories than your body uses, with the excess stored as fat. Increased fat mass and body weight is the end product of what’s known as a positive energy balance, or caloric surplus. Now, if that describes weight gain, then good guess by you that weight loss is simply the opposite!

Fuck, look at that confidence!1Yup, instead of deciding to shut up after embarrassing yourself with your wrong answers before, you stuck your chest out there and voiced yourself about something when you weren’t even prompted to. Kudos!

Anyway, as you’ve so accurately deduced on your own, weight loss transpires when you consume fewer calories than your body uses. That brings about the creation of a negative energy balance, or calorie deficit, which forces the body to pull from its fat stores to provide the energy that it’s not getting from food.

So yeah, when you really think about it, weight management is just a numbers game…⁣

…except for the times when it’s not, which is another discussion for another day!2For example, hormonal issues and gut bacteria may affect weight irrespective of how little or how much someone is eating or exercising.

Glossary: caloric deficit, calories, chest, exercise, fat, hormones


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