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Grape Nutrition Facts

Image of grapes and their nutritional values.

Image of grapes and their nutritional values.

Why on earth would you ever eat fucking grapes?!?!, you ask incredulously.⁣⁣⁣

Good question!⁣⁣⁣
Grapes = 🤮⁣⁣⁣

Like, sure, we all have our own kinks and no one should be shamed for them but who seriously gets off on performing anilingus on someone with a hemorrhoid flareup?!?!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you meant “grapes” as in the fruit and not the slang term for the swollen veins in the rectum!


Honest mistake on my part!

Anyway, grapes are still = 🤮

But here’s the thing…

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When you think of vitamin C, you probably think of oranges. Well, oranges aren’t the only good source of that vital nutrient.


Grapes are another excellent source of vitamin C, which helps support the immune system so the body is better able to fight off bacterial and viral infections.

Other essential nutrients found in grapes include vitamin K, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, all of which play a role in promoting bone health. Additionally, the relatively high potassium content in grapes in conjunction with their extremely low sodium count helps drive down blood pressure. That’s just one of many more ways that grapes contribute to heart health.

As to other ways grapes are beneficial for the cardiovascular system, there’s the high amount of fiber in grapes that helps lower cholesterol by binding to it in the small intestine, resulting in cholesterol getting prevented from entering the bloodstream, where it can then travel freely in the body and eventually build up as plaque in the arteries. Instead, cholesterol gets carried to the liver for processing. How else grapes are good for the heart has to do with antioxidants, with resveratrol and quercetin believed to protect against heart disease. Resveratrol, quercetin, and other phenolic compounds like catechins and anthocyanins are also thought to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress to prevent the growth of cancer.

Yeah, I know, grapes sound mighty, mighty tasty right about now!

Grape Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 cup (92g)

• Calories: 62

• Total Fat: 0.3g

• Cholesterol: 0mg

• Sodium: 2mg

• Total Carbohydrate: 16g

• Dietary Fiber: 0.8g

• Sugar: 15g

• Protein: 0.6g


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