How To Burn Calories Without Exercise written in text with image of a woman with a shocked look on her face and hand to her head while the other hand is stretching out a pair of jeans to show that they're too big for her.

How To Burn Calories Without Exercise

How To Burn Calories Without Exercise

How To Burn Calories Without Exercise written in text with image of a woman with a shocked look on her face and hand to her head while the other hand is stretching out a pair of jeans to show that they're too big for her.

Being the hater of working out that you are, I know you’ve wondered how to burn calories without exercise. Or, as far-fetched as it is, you love working out but want to know if there’s a way to burn calories outside of the gym.

Well, you’ll be happy to hear that you sure can.

In fact, you already have your problem solved.

See, you burn calories every second of the day by simply existing!

Brain activity, cell growth, blood circulation, and other vital life processes require energy, all of which account for your basal metabolic rate (BMR). You also burn calories by consuming certain things via what’s known as the thermic effect of food (TEF).1Some thermic foods include chicken, turkey, salmon, and other protein sources, as the body has to expend more energy to digest protein than carbs and fat. Another is cooked rice mixed with coconut oil that’s then refrigerated. What this creates is a resistant starch food that forces the body to expend more energy to process it than it would normally have to for a carb.

For the most part, while BMR accounts for about 70 percent of your daily calorie burn, it’s out of your control. And at about 10 percent of your daily calorie burn, the thermic effect of food isn’t going to make that much of a difference.2For instance, consider that your body only burns 8 calories heating a glass of cold water up to body temperature. If you drink 8 ounces of water per day, as is generally recommended, that comes out to a whopping 68 calories.

Now, before you get crestfallen at that news, you’ll be happy to hear that you can burn significantly more calories without exercise another way.



BMR burns calories, but you can’t control the amount, for the most part. And the amount of calories burned by way of TEF isn’t going to make or break your diet.

So how can you burn more calories in addition to BMR and TEF without having to work out?

The answer is through non-exercise activity thermogenesis, or NEAT.3You may also hear it referred to as non-exercise physical activity (NEPA). You certainly won’t hear it called that here, but that’s just a heads up! As the name sort of implies, NEAT is the amount of calories you burn via physical activity. Also, as the name sort of implies, this physical activity is the kind that doesn’t fall under strenuous work or intentional exercise.4Sleep is also not factored into the equation. In other words, it’s everyday movement, which can add up to the burning of a shitload of calories per day.

How much?

Ummmm…a SHITLOAD, like I just said!!!

But how much is a shitload?!

Oh, your demanding ass is demanding specifics?

Well, depending on the activity, an hour of intentional exercise burns about 300-350 calories for every 100 lbs of body weight. On the other hand, activities that aren’t actually work or exercise only burn a measly 100-150 calories an hour. Yeah, pretty measly. That is, until you consider that the sum of those activities can result in an extra 850 calories, if not more.5This depends on various biological and environmental factors like age, gender, body composition, and season, as well as activity level, but yeah!

As for what you can do…


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I know, you looooooove elevator music and can’t get enough of it. That’s why you go out of your way to take the elevator rather than the stairs. Yeah, the stairs that are usually closer to you and could get you to the floor you’re going to much, much faster than the amount of time it takes to walk to the elevator, wait forever for it, and push the button to close the door as you pretend not to see someone running towards it.6Oh, and there’s the time spent with the fucking thing stopping on every floor before it gets to yours!

But hey, there’s that sweet, sweet elevator music!

So who can fucking blame you?!?!

While I admire your musical taste and the depths you’re willing to go for it, you really should take the stairs more often so your life isn’t as sedentary as it is!7Live or work on the 100th floor of the Burj Khalifa? Just take the stairs for the first few floors and then ride the elevator the rest of the way. Simple!


What if I told you that you could park a couple of yards away where a ton of empty spaces are. After parking, you could then walk those couple of yards to the entrance of wherever you’re going. Yeah, you could do that instead of, I don’t know, dropping your passengers off and then circling around the parking lot for minutes on end until a really close spot becomes available!

By parking farther, not only will you get a little more exercise into your day but you’ll also stop burning gas and wasting time while looking for the optimal spot. Most importantly, it’ll save you from mowing down pedestrians as you have your head turned to the side looking for spaces rather than to the road ahead!8That auto insurance of yours is already through the roof. You certainly don’t need any more accidents on your record!


The clothes that you still haven’t folded and ironed after washing them weeks ago. Those dirty socks and draws in the corner of your bedroom that have the laundry calling their name. Your unmade bed. That overgrown lawn. The grimy ass bathtub by that even grimier toilet. The front door entryway with shoe prints on top of shoe prints. The wall-to-wall carpeting with bits of food, dead skin cells, and mounds of insect feces. The dust that’s EVERYWHERE!!!

Burn calories by cleaning your house regularly instead of waiting for the extremely rare occasion that you have company over!9For what it’s worth, research finds that the more time people devote to housework as their primary calorie-burning activity, the heavier they are. Physical activity, regardless of the form, should result in a lower weight. That is, as long as food intake is reduced. However, that wasn’t the case in the study. The reason is because people overestimated the intensity or duration of their household chores. Therefore, they thought they were burning more calories than they really were, which resulted in them eating too much or performing other calorie-burning activities less.


Did I write play with your kids?

I know, you could do more exciting adult shit like locking yourself in your bedroom and crying about how much money those little buggers are costing you and where the fuck you’re going to get it from, but suck it up and pretend to have a good time playing with those little bundles of joy!10Keep the pity-party bottled in, only letting it loose when your children are old enough to resent you and you have to make it seem like they asked to be born and forced you to expend all that time, money, and energy into caring for them, which you’ll try to guilt them into being appreciative of you for. Yes, exactly. Behave like any self-respecting parent does!


• Bike or walk to work if you live within 5 miles of your employer

• Exit the bus or train a few stops from where you’re going and walk the rest of the way

• Get up and go wherever your coworker is to tell them what you were about to send them in an email11The same applies with people you live in the same house with. Instead of sending someone a text message to ask or do something, make the short walk to the next room over!

• Remove a wastebasket from your immediate vicinity so you have to get up every time you have to throw something away

• Pace rather than sit while talking on the phone

• Nod your head, head bang, play the air guitar, or dance while listening to music12If you happen to dance like Elaine Benes, you may want to save the dancing for when in the company of yourself. Thanks!

• Walk to a far removed part of the building to use the bathroom at work13Burn calories and save your coworkers from having to smell that. Talk about a win-win situation for both parties!


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If you want to burn calories without exercise, now you can stop wondering how.

What you have to do is increase your NEAT.

In fact, in addition to wondering how to burn calories without exercising, you were wondering a few other things. One was why you can just look at food and gain weight, if not why you’re putting so much effort into your diet and workout plan but progress is excruciatingly sloooooooow.

The other was why your friend, relative, or co-worker who eats anything they want and exercises very little, if at all, doesn’t pack on the pounds.

Oh, you weren’t wondering that?!


Of course, you were!

And because you were, you probably thought your friend, relative, or co-worker’s inability to gain weight and your amazing ability to put it on or not lose it came down to a difference in your metabolisms, huh?

While your medical opinion as an endocrinologist is highly respected, it’s wrong!

Hormone problems and a crappy metabolism are not what’s separating you from this person you secretly hate.14DON’T DENY YOU HATE THEM!!! I don’t even know this cocksucker and I hate them for you, too!

So what is?


Your NEAT is!

The differing NEAT between the two of you is what’s separating you from this person you secretly hate!!!15There may also be something else at play apart from them staying active. It just so happens that you always see the person you secretly hate eating pizza so you assume that’s all they eat. Either that or they tell you that’s all they eat. That, however, isn’t the entire picture. What’s missing is that they’re eating a slice or two instead of a whole pie; or how they may go for long periods in between meals; or what they eat during the rest of the day isn’t that crappy. This is all to say that they stay within their total daily calorie needs. So while they eat “anything” they want, they’re not gorging themselves to death. Nope! They make poor food choices but don’t exacerbate them by overeating. What they do is this thing called moderation.

Yup, they more than likely do a lot of small things throughout the day that contribute to them having a high NEAT, thus burning a shitload of calories. This, in possible addition to footnote #15, is why this person you secretly hate doesn’t gain weight, as calorie intake is the prime determinant of weight management and this person who eats “anything” they want and who doesn’t exercise is ultimately creating a calorie deficit.

If you yourself haven’t reduced your calorie intake, using more body language when you talk isn’t going to do shit because you’ll still be at a caloric surplus.

If, however, you’ve already reduced your caloric intake, then increasing your NEAT can help with the creation of a larger deficit and peel the pounds away even faster, whether or not that’s in conjunction with regular intentional exercise.

So be more active in your daily life and you too can become someone people secretly hate!

Glossary: caloric deficit, calories, diet, exercise, gym, metabolism, moderation, work out


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