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How To Stop Snacking

How To Stop Snacking

How To Stop Snacking written in text with image of a hand reaching for tortilla chips scattered below it.

Don’t you think it’s time to start looking like a snack instead of always reaching for one?

Now you can with these tips that’ll teach you how to stop snacking!

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Research has found that people who eat breakfast, especially one that’s high in protein, experience less cravings for sweet and savory foods later in the day than those who skip it.1In one study, overweight or obese 18-20 year old women in a group that ate at least 35g of protein at breakfast were able to get to lunch four hours later without wanting to snack because of protein’s effect on fullness, as well as its release of the feel-good hormone dopamine.


Include vegetables at every meal. They’re rich in fiber and have high water content, helping to stretch the stomach so it feels full. Fiber also has the effect of slowing down the rate in which food empties out of the stomach. Taken together, voluminous foods help signal to the brain that there’s no need for food, thus decreasing the likelihood of grabbing a snack before the next feeding opportunity.


When grocery shopping, only purchase what’s necessary for the week rather than acting as if the supply chain is going to collapse before you can get to the store again, as buying in bulk and having a crapload of food at home increases the odds that you’re going to snack on a lot of it.2A study found that in three days, college students who were given double the amount of food to take home consumed 81 percent more calories than those who received the normal amount.


Every time you see food, your brain decides if you should eat it or not. And the more often you see it, the higher the odds of you eventually eating it. That’s why you should do as good a job at keeping all treats out of sight as you do in keeping all your side-pieces out of view from the person you’re in a committed relationship with!3Office workers in a study who received clear bowls of candy ate more than double the amount of their coworkers who had candy in bowls they couldn’t see into.


Keep snacks in hard-to-reach places, as having to do the extra work of accessing a food lessens the likelihood of eating it because, you know, humans are inherently lazy.4Office workers in the study mentioned in the previous footnote ate less and less candy the further away the bowl was from their workstation, with them eating 9 candies per day when it was on their desk, 6 when it was in their desk drawer, and 4 when it was placed 6 feet away.


Oh, none of the tricks worked? Well, before grabbing a snack, ask yourself if you’re actually hungry or just want to eat something for the fuck of it. If the latter, then go find something to do to distract yourself from the craving. And if you’re really hungry? Shit, then go ahead and snack! However, that doesn’t mean you should pig out. Instead, shoot for healthy alternatives, like Greek yogurt, berries, or hummus. Another option is to enjoy a sinful snack item but in moderation.

Snacking is defined as the consumption of food or beverages between meals and can occur not only out of hunger but also due to a myriad of factors including location, social environment, food availability, stress and energy levels, boredom, and many more.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with snacking, as doing so provides the body with calories it can use as fuel to power itself. But nothing being wrong with snacking is when it’s done in a manner where the calories are compensated for at the next meal. The problem with snacking lies in the fact that a great many people don’t make the adjustments, ultimately leading to an increased total calorie intake for the day. Snacking like this over time can result in weight gain or hinder weight loss if trying to lose it.

That’s why it’s imperative to either incorporate your snacks into your day and plan them out so they fit your daily calorie needs or learn how to stop snacking altogether, as you’ve certainly done after reading this!

Glossary: calories, hormones, moderation


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