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Popcorn Nutrition Facts

Image of a kernel of popcorn and its nutritional values.

Image of a kernel of popcorn and its nutritional values.

Eat popcorn.

That’s right, eat popcorn!

If you’re being mindful of your weight and are looking for a snack option, you can’t go wrong with popcorn because it’s high in fiber, which helps keep you feeling full for longer. Also working in popcorn’s favor is that it’s relatively low in calories. All of those things work to make popcorn an ideal snack for someone in your situation.

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Now that you know why popcorn makes for a good snack, you should be made aware that’s only when the popcorn is air-popped and lightly seasoned. When prepared that way, you can avoid many of the extra calories that are in movie theater popcorn and microwave popcorn from the buttery toppings. Additionally, both of those varieties of popcorn are commonly laden with fat, very high in sodium, and are hidden sources of added sugar, all of which are nutrients that can have negative effects not only on your weight but health as well.

But still, even if you were to go for movie theater popcorn and microwave popcorn, there’s nothing wrong with doing so. Because weight loss is about quantity, not quality, you can eat movie theater popcorn or microwave popcorn if you so desire. You just have to be more judicious to account for it with everything else you eat so you don’t exceed your total daily calories, which may be easier to do than with air-popped popcorn that lessens the risk of overeating by allowing you to reach satiety with a large serving for few calories.

Popcorn Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 oz (28.4g)

• Calories: 106

• Total Fat: 1.2g

• Cholesterol: 0mg

• Sodium: 2mg

• Total Carbohydrate: 21g

• Dietary Fiber: 3.6g

• Sugar: 0.3g

• Protein: 3.1g

Glossary: calories, dietary fat


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