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Signs That it’s Time To Lose Weight

Signs That it's Time To Lose Weight written in text with image of an alarm clock wrapped around measuring tape.

Signs That it’s Time To Lose Weight

Signs That it's Time To Lose Weight written in text with image of an alarm clock wrapped around measuring tape.

So here’s the situation…⁣

You’re blind.

How on earth are you reading this when you’re blind?!?!, you ask.

Ummmmmmm, with a text-to-speech reader 😒⁣


Anyway, back to the bleepin’ story!

So your eyes don’t work and you can’t see yourself or the look of disgust on other people’s faces when they have to look at you.

With it being the case that you have no use of your eyes and need to rely on other information, how would you know that you’re overweight and it’s time to lose weight?


Frequent heartburn

Chronic fatigue

Achy joints

Out of breath performing daily activities

Clothes don’t fit properly

Excessive snoring

Always wake up groggy

Unhealthy biomarkers

High blood pressure

High cholesterol

Elevated blood sugar


Men: +30.0

Women: +30.0

Body fat percentage

Men: +25%

Women: +32%

Waist measurement

Men: +40 inches

Women: +35 inches

Waist-to-hip ratio

Men: +0.90

Women: +0.85


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