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Are You Using The Right Tool For The Job?

Are You Using The Right Tool For The Job?

Are You Using The Right Tool? written in text with image of an assortment of hand tools.

A hammer is a tool with a heavy metal head that’s used to break things and drive in nails. A nail is a metal spike that’s driven into things by use of a hammer banging onto its broadened flat head.

A screw is a spiral-threaded metal pin that pierces things by use of a screwdriver fitting into its slotted head and then being turned. A screwdriver is a tool with a cross- or star-shaped tip that’s used to fit into the head of a screw to turn it and pierce things.

As we can see, a hammer and screwdriver are two different tools for two different jobs.

Sure, you can hammer a screw, but why do that when you can just get the right tool?1While hammering a screw will get the fastener into the material, the hold won’t be as secure, as the threads will tear away everything around them as the screw is pounded down, leaving nothing firm for the fastener to grab onto. That is, if the screw doesn’t break first because screws aren’t designed to be strong enough to be pounded on!

When it comes to weight loss, too many are banging screws with hammers by trying to use exercise and physical activity to burn fat when the right tool for the job is…⁣

*drum roll*⁣

…simply not eating soooooooooo muuuuuuuuch shit!!!2Contrary to popular belief, relying on exercise alone for weight loss is a terrible strategy because physical activity doesn’t account for that much daily calorie expenditure. To be exact, movement comprises 10-30 percent of daily calorie burn, with those who engage in regular exercise at the higher end of the range and sedentary individuals at the lower end. The energy used in physical activity is rather minimal compared to the 60-80 percent of daily calories that are burned by our basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the energy used by the body to perform vital life functions, such as breathing and pumping blood throughout the circulatory system. While the amount of calories that are burned by your daily activity level are fixed and won’t change no matter how much you move, thus making it beyond your control, BMR is 100 percent controlled by how many calories you do or don’t put inside your body. That’s why diet always takes primacy over exercise!

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Glossary: calories, diet, exercise, fat


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