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Watermelon Nutrition Facts

Image of watermelon and its nutritional values.

Image of watermelon and its nutritional values.

Why on earth would you ever eat fucking watermelon?!?!, you ask incredulously.⁣⁣⁣

Good question!⁣⁣⁣

Watermelon = 🤮

But here’s the thing…

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Watermelon is almost 92 percent water. That high water content is not only why watermelon has its name but it’s also why the fruit is great for hydration. Additionally, the water plus the fiber count in watermelon can help with weight management by promoting the feeling of fullness so you eat fewer calories. That’s what makes watermelon a good choice, as well as its profile of antioxidant nutrients like vitamin A and C that help protect against free radicals that cause cellular damage and various health conditions.

Those are several benefits of watermelon.

But you’re still not sold, huh?

Well, do you get DOMS, or delayed onset muscle soreness?

After every time you work out, if you have the displeasure of feeling like you’ve been hit by a runaway cement truck, then the findings of a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry might be of interest to you!

In the aforementioned study, researchers gave a group of athletes three types of drinks before they were tasked with engaging in a bout of intense physical activity an hour later. Those drinks were 2 cups of natural watermelon juice, watermelon juice enriched with the amino acid L-citrulline, or a watermelon-free placebo drink. The next day, those who drank either of the watermelon juices reported significantly less muscle soreness, as well as quicker heart rate recovery, than those who were given the control drink without L-citrulline. What’s more, the researchers found that the plain unpasteurized watermelon juice did a better job of relieving soreness than the pasteurized juice with added L-citrulline because the amino acid was more bioavailable in its natural form.

So yeah, if you’re a frequent sufferer of the post-exercise ouchies, then eating watermelon or drinking its juice before a workout might be just the ticket.1…but then again, you might not want to do that because if you’re not sore then you won’t be able to overexaggerate it so people know how much of a workout warrior you are like people even give a fuck, which they don’t!

Yeah, I know, watermelon sounds mighty, mighty tasty right about now!

Watermelon Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 wedge (286g)

• Calories: 87

• Total Fat: 0.4g

• Cholesterol: 0mg

• Sodium: 3mg

• Total Carbohydrate: 22g

• Dietary Fiber: 1.1g

• Sugar: 18g

• Protein: 1.7g

Glossary: calories, muscle soreness, work out, workout


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