Why Your Weight Is The Reason You're Broke written in text with image of a woman stacking coins.

This Is Why You’re Broke: Weight Discrimination At Work

This Is Why You’re Broke: Weight Discrimination At Work

Why Your Weight Is The Reason You're Broke written in text with image of a woman stacking coins.

There’s a damn good reason why you’re broke.

And it’s because you’re a mess.

Multiple studies have found that weight discrimination at work is very real, with overweight people making less money than their average-weight counterparts.

How much less?

A review of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth data suggests that obesity lowers a woman’s earnings by 4.5 percent and a man’s by as much as 2.3 percent.

Overweight employees just aren’t attractive enough to sexually harass, leaving them unable to sleep their way up the ladder like everyone else.

Like, what self-respecting boss or higher-up is going to proposition a mess and demand them to trade sexual favors for career advancement?!?!

I know I wouldn’t!

It turns out that others won’t either.


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Other than the obvious explaining the disparity in pay between plus- and normal-size workers, the former are also viewed as less capable and thus worthy of lower pay or fewer job opportunities. That’s according to the findings of an experiment reported in the International Journal of Obesity.

In said experiment, researchers gave 102 participants the resumes and photos of 12 job applicants, six of whom were obese and six of whom were of normal weight. Upon review, participants rated the slimmer candidates more hireable and worthy of higher starting salaries than the heavier job applicants.

Here’s the kicker: the photos the respondents were shown were of the SAME candidates before and after weight loss surgery!

The above findings jibe with those of Wharton professor Maurice Schweitzer and doctoral student Emma Levine, who also ran a similar experiment.

The kicker this time?

Why, that obese participants held a bias against obese applicants!



You know what all of this means, right?

Yup, if you’re not making as much as you think you should or are having a hard time advancing, then it’s probably because you’re a mess!

And not because you’re actually lazy, unintelligent, or have piss poor social skills.


It’s because you look like you.

And what’s that?



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