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Be Attractive Physically

Be attractive physically — Shit Monster Says

Be attractive physically — Shit Monster Says

“I don’t care if your appearance is a 10. If your personality is a 3, then you’re a 3.”

I’m sure you’ve seen that quote somewhere along your internet travels and have rolled your eyes to it or something similar.

The content of your character trumps how good you look?!


Like we can’t tell something is a crock of bullshit when we smell it!

Yeah, being a decent person and not having a shitty personality is a good message and all, but it’s bullshit!


It’s all about the physical, baby!

Sure, looks fade…but so will your good-naturedness when you’re old, broke, and bitter from believing substance triumphs over looks while the attractive people were garnering more lifetime earnings thanks to their good lookingness and playing up on it.


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