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Shitty Personality

I don't know about you, but…I go to the gym because I think my shitty personality could use a banging body to help make up for it (or is that just me?!) — Shit Monster Says

I don't know about you, but…I go to the gym because I think my shitty personality could use a banging body to help make up for it (or is that just me?!) — Shit Monster Says

I have a question for you.

It’s a real doozy, but give it a shot!

Who can get away with more?

The out-of-shape person who’s a cunt or the cuntish person who has a nice body?

We all know the answer!

That’s why you should just fix your body instead of trying to do the impossible (IMPOSSIBLE, I tell ya!!!) task of fixing your attitude.



Once you reach adulthood, you’re basically the person you’re going to be for life in terms of your personality.

So yeah, it’s faaaaaaar easier to change your appearance than the hardwiring of your upbringing and natural inclinations. But everybody wants to believe otherwise, like you can choose to act in ways contrary to your true self.

Sure, I guess you could do that.

But do you know how energy draining it is pretending to be a decent person when you’re anything but? The life of the party when you really can’t stand everyone in attendance? Staying in touch with people when you’d rather fake your death so you wouldn’t have to bother?

Trust me, I know!


On top of that, once you display that behavior people expect it from you over and over and bloody over again.

Talk about work that you don’t need and could have been easily avoided!

But pushing Herculean amounts of weight for 30 seconds, the average length of a hypertrophy set?

Not so much work.


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