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Prove Them…Right

They think you can't, so prove them…right — Shit Monster Says

They think you can't, so prove them…right — Shit Monster Says

You have doubters, huh?

You probably want to get mad and show them up.


You should thank heaven for them instead!

They’re doing you a huge favor unlike those motherfuckers who believe in you.

Wanna know why?

Huh, do ya?

Well, what happens when you display competency at something?

Nothing happens except people expecting that same level of competency allllllllllll…the…fucking…time!

Shiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttt, do you know how much pressure that is?!?!

The only way to nip that in the bud is to always disappoint the believers and validate the doubters so they themselves don’t turn into expecting ass believers.


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