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Believe What You Want To Believe, As Long As It’s Not This…

Believe What You Want To Believe, As Long As It’s Not This…

There are a lot of stupid beliefs out there that keep getting perpetuated in the face of irrefutable proof of their fallacy.

And I’m not talking about religious or political beliefs here!


I stay away from that stuff.

It’s just Business 101 to appear impartial so as not to offend any potential customer. So you’ll never see me laughing at the idea of some guy in the sky creating life or hear me telling you that capitalism has been a scourge and you not agreeing throws your basic intellect into question.


I keep that shit to myself never to be made public.

As I said, it’s Business 101 to let people believe what they want to believe despite the overwhelming evidence that they’re wrong.

But stupid beliefs about fitness?


When it comes to that shit, I’m all too willing to make my feelings known, like my feeling about you being an idiot for hitting the gym bundled up like you’re going on a polar expedition because not only do you think that sweating burns calories but that sweating more burns even more calories, hence your George Costanza puffy jacket!

Sorry, but contrary to beliefs, this giving a fuck about your body thing isn’t as easy as just wearing extra layers or any other easy thing you’re thinking of doing, buddy!!!


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