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What To Do During Quarantine

What To Do During Quarantine

Eating yourself out of house and home right now during quarantine is a terrible idea because it’s only hastening the use of toilet paper, which, based on the people who’re hoarding it, will never be produced again because all those involved in its manufacture are going to perish in this pandemic and take the secret of how to make it to the grave with them.

Oh, and eating everything in sight is also a terrible idea because it’s a poor use of time!

With you stuck in the house all day and no bars, restaurants, clubs, or other places to go where food and drink is aplenty, now is the perfect time to get a handle on your eating to develop the routine and habits needed to stay on track when normal life resumes and you have to deal with the daily mixture of food and social interaction, which accounts for most people’s weight gain, as well as diet noncompliance when they resolve to do something about the weight they have no idea — NO IDEA!!! — how they put on.


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