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Decent Person

It costs $0.00 to be a decent person. …a tad too rich for my blood! — Shit Monster Says

It costs $0.00 to be a decent person. …a tad too rich for my blood! — Shit Monster Says

Put your weights back after using them?

Let someone work in between sets with you instead of hogging the station while you go do another exercise allllllllll the way on the other side of the gym?

Disrupt the flow of your workout to give someone a spot so they don’t crush themselves into squishy goo?

Provide new gym-goers with advice rather than laughing at them and secretly wishing they’d hurry up and quit because they’re taking up limited parking?

Ummmmmmmm, what do Jesus, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, Jr. all have in common?

They were all on that “do good unto others” crap…

…and look at what good it did them!

Now, answer me this.

What do Dick Chaney and your mother-in-law share in common?

They’re both cunts and appear to be immortal.


I think not!

I rest my case!!!

It pays to be a prick.*

*Sure, past and contemporary history is littered with millions and millions and millions of people who’ve behaved kindly and didn’t get murdered, but my examples of confirmation bias are more than enough to ignore that.

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