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Not Good Enough

In case no one told you today, you're still not good enough — Shit Monster Says

In case no one told you today, you're still not good enough — Shit Monster Says

Those feelings of inadequacy you have are totally warranted.

You’re just not good enough.

Good enough for what?!

Fuck, where do we begin?!?!

Good enough to get that promotion you want.

Good enough to be in a relationship with that person you’re crushing on.

Good enough to share your fantasy fiction with your friends and family who didn’t even know you were into that shit because although a loser, you don’t come off as that big of a loser.

You’re not good enough for all that and more.

Nope, not you!

Exactly how much is “enough”?

Who the fuck knows.

But that voice in your head telling you that you’re not good enough, LISTEN TO IT!!!

It’s not like that voice is you talking yourself out of taking action and putting yourself out there, essentially opening you up to failure, criticism, and rejection.

Nah, couldn’t be self-sabotage!

So yeah, listen to your gut and do nothing with your life.


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