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Weight Loss Tip: no.2193

Weight Loss Tip: no.2193

Eating eggs as part of a breakfast meal can help you eat fewer calories later in the day by promoting fullness and decreasing your appetite.

Care to guess why?

Yup, at about 6g of protein per egg and providing only 70 calories, eggs are an excellent source of the nutrient given their compact size. And because protein has filling properties, consuming an egg meal for breakfast can result in you feeling fuller for longer, which in turn can drive down your hunger at a subsequent feeding, such as lunch, and thereby lower your total calorie intake for the day.

It’s for this reason in part that studies have found that people who eat egg-based breakfasts lose more weight than those who eat a breakfast consisting mostly of cereal, bagels, muffins, and other carbs.

So consume 2-4 eggs for breakfast and achieve satiety at very little calorie cost. For an even more pronounced effect, be sure to add a source of fiber for that nutrient’s similar filling qualities. Whatever you do though, try to avoid consuming your eggs with oil, butter, bacon grease, or any other type of fat that’ll skyrocket your meal from a low calorie one to a high calorie one!

Weight Loss Tip


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