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This Or That: Why You Choose Unhealthy Food

Why You Choose Unhealthy Food written in text with image of a frowning woman holding an apple in one palm and a donut in the other.

This Or That: Why You Choose Unhealthy Food

Why You Choose Unhealthy Food written in text with image of a frowning woman holding an apple in one palm and a donut in the other.

Eat the apple you have with you or make a stop for a donut fresh out of the oven from a Lard Lad donut shop?

What are you gonna do?

It’s an easy decision.

We all know that something that’s loaded with vitamins and minerals is the far better option than something that’s a sugar and fat bomb. But given the choice, most, if not all, of us would still choose the unhealthy item.


The answer has to do with the brain encouraging the consumption of junk food because the sugar, salt, fat, and artificial flavoring and sweeteners do a better job of stimulating the release of the pleasure hormone dopamine than the content of natural food. That’s one explanation.

Scientists think they might know another.

Published in the journal Appetite, a study conducted by researchers at the University of Amsterdam had participants learn to press keys for two food rewards. Participants were also taught associations between environmental stimuli and the rewards. Upon learning these components, the subjects were then tasked with choosing between the two food options as health information was given about one of the food rewards. In the absence of the food-related stimuli they were introduced to, participants had a propensity to opt for the food reward they were advised had fewer health risks. However, when the learned food-related stimuli were present, the subjects were more likely to choose the unhealthy item despite being well-aware of the health risks and not even really craving it.

What does this mean in the real world?

Well, basically, it means that food cues trump everything!

Now said in a more drawn out manner, people learn to associate environmental stimuli like TV commercials, restaurant signage, and product branding with the rewarding experience of eating junk food. It’s this learned behavior to choose unhealthy food products in the presence of certain cues that’s automatically activated as opposed to following through with healthy eating intentions, which are conscious decisions that can be easily undermined by the subconscious because the food-related stimuli associated with the information about healthy food isn’t as strong.

So that’s why you’re likely to choose a donut over an apple.

On top of that, donuts are also fucking delicious!

<Homer Simpson voice>⁣Mmm…donuts.</Homer Simpson voice>⁣

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