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Hand Grippers

Hand Grippers written in text with image of a hand squeezing a pair of hand-grippers.

Hand Grippers

Hand Grippers written in text with image of a hand squeezing a pair of hand-grippers.

Farmer’s carry. Dumbbell or barbell shrugs. Lat pulldowns. Deadlifts. For a lot of people, the limiting factor for these and other lifts is their grip strength, meaning the muscles in their wrists and forearms tap out before the target muscles in their lats, traps, and elsewhere.

The solution to this dilemma is hand grippers.

Coming in a range of strengths, hand grippers are most commonly nothing more than a torsion spring with plastic or metal handles that you place in your palm and squeeze together against the resistance until they touch. Once the handles are in contact with one another, release and repeat the movement.


The regular use of hand grippers, or grip strengtheners as they’re also known by, will improve many of your lifts but you should also notice improvement in the performance of everyday activities, such as grabbing groceries, walking the dog, opening pickle jars, carrying luggage, and pimp-slapping hoes who come up short with your money because they have yet to learn that Gator don’t play no shit.11000 bonus points to you if you can name that movie reference!

Click through to go to to purchase The Essential Gym Bag Guide.

Glossary: barbell, deadlift, dumbbell, lats, muscle, traps


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