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noun [bahr·bel]
weightlifting equipment consisting of a long bar that you load up with weight plates at each end for the performance of a variety of exercises — that is, when it’s not doubling as a foam roller by some fucking guy rolling around on the floor on it like foam rollers haven’t been invented for that exact fucking purpose. see also: WEIRDO

Example of barbell in a Sentence
Sure, you can very well perform the exercise with dumbbells but I’d prefer that you do it with a barbell so that way you can go a little bit heavier to overload the muscle because each arm doesn’t have to work independently to hold the weight, which should result in more hypertrophy. But hey, if you don’t want to do the program the way it’s written by the person you paid to write it for you, then don’t! Fuck, you already paid me so what do I care?!