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noun [gohl]
a desired outcome, achievement, or target that one thinks they can attain without any effort on their part because the power of intention is that real; commonly pluralized and used as a hashtag on social media.


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Grey Sweatpants

grey sweatpants

noun [grey swet·pants]
what women prefer for men to wear in the gym because it allows them to see the outline of a guy’s dick to better determine if he’s worth bending over in front of to do a sexually-suggestive exercise to get his attention so he can eventually bend them over outside of the gym. see also: ADVERTISING

Example of grey sweatpants in a Sentence
As sundress season ends for us guys, grey sweatpants season begins for the ladies.


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Dumbbell Rack

dumbbell rack

noun [duhm·bel rak]
a piece of equipment where you get dumbbells from and perform exercises directly in front of instead of using your fucking brain to grab the desired weight and then step back a couple hundred thousand feet so people are free to also grab weight without having to wait for you to finish being in the fucking way. see also: IQ TEST