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Home Workout Area

home workout area

noun [hohm wurk·out air·ee·uh]
space designated for exercise that’s usually tucked away in a corner of a living area with a preexisting use when you’re too poor to afford the square footage in a house or apartment to set up a home gym in its own separate location, such as a garage, basement, or unused bedroom.


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Home Gym

home gym

noun [hohm jim]
1. an exercise space in a residence; usually set up by someone gullible enough to fall for a late-night infomercial promising to get them the body of their dreams with the help of a very, very expensive piece of exercise equipment they only have to use for a handful of minutes per week.

2. where antisocial people work out.


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Gym Rat

gym rat

noun [jim rat]
that person who’s always working out at the gym no matter what day or how early or late you go, most likely because they’re secretly homeless or they hate their family so much that they absolutely refuse to spend any quality time with them.