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Hey, Look At Me! I’m A Fraud!

Hey, Look At Me! I’m A Fraud!

There’s someone on IG who runs a big fitness account and describes himself as “hyperbolic AF” and sells something called the Hyperbolic Playbook, a nutritional plan espousing bullshit that he claims is capable of producing otherworldly results.

However, this person apparently doesn’t have a dictionary or the sense to know that “hyperbolic” is the adjective form of hyperbole. As such, someone or something that is hyperbolic is greatly exaggerated. In other words, that someone or something is a sham and NOT the step above anabolism, as is supposed by use of “hyperbolic”.

More than likely unbeknownst to this person, he’s telling people exactly who he is and what his products are: a sham. And more than likely unbeknownst to the people who believe his spiel and then throw some dollars his way, the fact their results will fall short of living up to the claims is staring them right in the face.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, language!!!


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