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Oops!… I Did It Again

Oops!… I Did It Again

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m very good with turns of phrases.

Well, about three years ago now, a client of mine who still trains with me because I’m just that lovable proposed that I start making t-shirts with my patented “Monsterisms” on them to help promote my brand. That thought has since sat idle as I’ve directed my energy towards the many other things I have going on.

That is, until now!

You see, I recently started a rewards program to give people points for completing certain actions, with them eligible to redeem their points for a bevy of prizes. One of those prizes is a free t-shirt. Well, my client who initially proposed the t-shirt idea is very close to accumulating the amount of points necessary to win a free t-shirt, which has now put pressure on me to finally get to work on them.*

And get to work I have!

Thus far, I have ideas for three t-shirts, with two of them already designed and the third just needing to be transferred from my brain to a template. The next step is getting them screen printed and then distributed.

What does this have to do with you?

You mean, besides the fact that you’ll be more fashionable in one of my tees, which will be made available for sale and for free via contests and other shit?


Well, if you’re having trouble starting towards a goal, it might be beneficial to create something that places pressure on you to begin it. For example, if you still haven’t began working towards your New Year’s resolution to get in better shape before the end of the year, a goal which renders itself to an arbitrary start date, it might be better to shoot to lose 8 lbs in the two months between now and the wedding of the idiot who decided to make you a member of the wedding party.

…and then you go on from there.

Yeah, I did it again.

I found a way to tie something non-fitness related into fitness.

I know, I never cease to amaze!

*email me for details about the rewards program, if you’re interested


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