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abbr [am·rap]
1. as many reps as possible, but in the context of performing an exercise movement until fatigue or the set amount of time elapses — not in regard to the approach of throwing a gauntlet of sales associates at a person to pester them with calls, texts, and emails until they finally cave into signing up for a gym membership after giving their contact info just to score a free one-day pass. see also: ATTRITION

Example of AMRAP in a Sentence
At the end of leg day, my coach currently has me doing 3 sets of squats for 20 reps, with the weight increasing every set. And then as if my legs aren’t already Jell-O by that point, he loads up the bar with even more weight and has me do the last set for AMRAP. It’s either my sheer grit or his non-stop questioning of my manhood that gets me through it. I’ll let you decide!


2. as many rounds as possible, but in the context of completing an exercise circuit until fatigue or the set amount of time elapses — not in regard to bouts of intercourse, which for women can be multiple but for men is not as numerous and can take longer between, with that duration differing from man to man and depending on age, health, nutrition, lifestyle, libido, and various other factors. see also: UNFAIRNESS

Example of AMRAP in a Sentence
To further make it easier for me to steal your money and not have to do anything as your personal trainer, you’re going to come up with today’s workout. So here’s the deal. Select any four exercises you want and perform each one for 12 reps for an AMRAP of 20 minutes. While you do that, I’m going to be over here giving everybody but you the undivided attention that I should be giving you but won’t despite you paying for it.