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Mid-Evil Torcher HIIT Cardio Treadmill Workout

Burn the fat away with this HIIT cardio treadmill workout!

Burn the fat away with this HIIT cardio treadmill workout!

By a show of hands, who does cardio?⁣


If your hand is up, it shouldn’t be because I can’t fucking see it!⁣

But since your hand is up because you so desperately want it to be known that you perform cardio like someone who gives a fuck about their heart health, then the odds are high that you perform your cardio on a treadmill, which so happens to be the top-selling and most popular piece of exercise equipment in the country.⁣

Well, here’s a fun fact for ya!⁣ Continue reading Mid-Evil Torcher HIIT Cardio Treadmill Workout

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Joocy Melons Muscle Building Chest Workout

Sculpt nicer cleavage with this muscle building chest workout!

Sculpt nicer cleavage with this muscle building chest workout!

Are you a dude?

Like, a dude with whom a prepubescent girl has more chest development than?

Well, I’m here to tell you that a small chest doesn’t make you any less of a woman, buddy. These are progressive times we’re living in. Self-love and body acceptance, motherfucker!

Buuuuuuttttt if you’re not quite ready to take your seat at the head of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee, this muscle building chest workout will most certainly slap some boobage on ya! Continue reading Joocy Melons Muscle Building Chest Workout