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Healthy Labor Day Tips

How To Enjoy Labor Day written in text with image of a man wearing a hardhat and holding a toolbox under one arm while flexing his other arm.

How To Enjoy Labor Day written in text with image of a man wearing a hardhat and holding a toolbox under one arm while flexing his other arm.

Aaaaaaah, the Labor Day weekend is approaching.

You know what that means, right?

Yup, time to celebrate workers and the hard-fought rights won by labor unions that many now take for granted and are complicit in their being slowly stripped away by corporate interests!


But even more than that, Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer, as it’s the last gasp of good weather in most parts of the country before fall season arrives and the weekend becomes the exclusive preserve of ignoring your friends and family to instead watch college and professional football all fucking day.


Anywho, with the closing picnic, barbecue, cookout, or pool party replete with burgers, hot dogs, ribs, wings, potato salad, soda, beer, cupcakes, ice cream, and other goodies until next year just a few days away, here you are wondering how you can have a healthy Labor Day without sidetracking the progress you’ve made by incorporating proper nutrition into your life.

Well, let’s keep this simple.

The one thing you’re gonna do to have a healthy Labor Day is…


That’s right, enjoy yourself!

If you’ve been on point with your exercise and nutrition in the preceding weeks and months, taking your foot off the gas a little to be present with your loved ones during the final summer get-together isn’t going to ruin all the hard work you’ve been doing.

So yeah, go ahead and celebrate Labor Day the way it’s supposed to be celebrated, which is not only by you having the day off from work but also having the day off from the work you put into your health and fitness goals. After all, one day of poor eating isn’t going to ruin anything. It’s the days and weeks after that will keep you from reaching your goals if you fail to return to your regular eating habits once the holiday is over.

NOTE: If you actually want some healthy Labor Day tips to celebrate Labor Day without going completely off your eating plan, then you might want to check out some holiday eating tips to help you have a boring but healthy Labor Day.

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