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Strawberry Nutrition Facts

Image of strawberries and their nutritional values.

Image of strawberries and their nutritional values.

Looking to spice up your sex life?

You know, because the whips and chains just aren’t doing it for you anymore.

Neither is that sex swing that’s bolted into the ceiling of your bedroom, a bedroom that just so happens to be a bedroom that guests have to walk through to get to the only bathroom in your house and thus always presents an awkward situation when you have company over, especially your parents.

Yeah, what you’re currently doing in the bedroom has lost its novelty, so here you are looking for new ways to make sex hotter and sexier again. And that’s when it hits you that instead of doing something like buying yet another sex pillow to add to your collection of sex positioning furniture, simplicity may be all that’s needed, which leads you to the idea of bringing some food into the action.

Well, you can’t go wrong with strawberries, an age-old favorite for food foreplay!

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While often classed as an aphrodisiac, there’s no scientific evidence to support strawberries as capable of having an immediate physiological effect on your nether regions as you eat them. Strawberries, however, are sweet, juicy, and their red sensual color lends to the erotic imagination as they’re nibbled. They also contain many nutrients that are known to support a healthy sex life, such as the increased blood flow that comes with vitamin C, of which one 100g serving of strawberries can provide 80 percent of the recommended daily value.

In addition to the fruit’s sex benefits, the many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and plant compounds packed within the small package of a strawberry have been shown to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, improve insulin resistance, lower the risk of certain cancers, and slow or prevent the progression of cognitive decline. It’s for these reasons that you might not only want to eat strawberries off your partner’s body but also pop a few into your oatmeal, yogurt, smoothie, salad, or whatever else you can think of, you lil’ freak!

Strawberry Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 cup, whole (144g)

• Calories: 46

• Total Fat: 0.4g

• Cholesterol: 0mg

• Sodium: 1.4mg

• Total Carbohydrate: 11g

• Dietary Fiber: 2.9g

• Sugar: 7g

• Protein: 1g


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