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Grey Sweatpants

grey sweatpants

noun [grey swet·pants]
what women prefer for men to wear in the gym because it allows them to see the outline of a guy’s dick to better determine if he’s worth bending over in front of to do a sexually-suggestive exercise to get his attention so he can eventually bend them over outside of the gym. see also: ADVERTISING

Example of grey sweatpants in a Sentence
As sundress season ends for us guys, grey sweatpants season begins for the ladies.


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Dumbbell Rack

dumbbell rack

noun [duhm·bel rak]
a piece of equipment where you get dumbbells from and perform exercises directly in front of instead of using your fucking brain to grab the desired weight and then step back a couple hundred thousand feet so people are free to also grab weight without having to wait for you to finish being in the fucking way. see also: IQ TEST


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Daily Weight Loss Checklist

Daily Weight Loss Checklist written in text with image of check marks and blank lines.

Daily Weight Loss Checklist

Daily Weight Loss Checklist written in text with image of check marks and blank lines.

Need to lose weight?

More than 73 percent of U.S. adults are overweight or obese, so if you’re an adult who’s reading this in the U.S., then the odds are high that you do indeed need to lose weight.

So how are you gonna go about doing that?

Yup, with the provided checklist, which is nothing more than an inventory of small changes you can make to your everyday life! Continue reading Daily Weight Loss Checklist

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How To: Deadstop Dumbbell Rows

How To: Deadstop Dumbbell Rows written in text with image of a woman bent over a bench performing dumbbell rows with one arm.

How To: Deadstop Dumbbell Rows

How To: Deadstop Dumbbell Rows written in text with image of a woman bent over a bench performing dumbbell rows with one arm.

I take it that you want a thick back, right?

How’d I know?!?!

Well, it’s nice of you to think that I’m a world-class sleuth but the inclusion of one-armed dumbbell rows in your routine is sort of what gave it away.

While that exercise is indeed one of the best movements for the development of the upper back and lats, you may not be getting as much out of the exercise as you should for one very popular reason among most people who perform it. That common issue is the use of momentum to move the weight rather than the intended muscles. Deadstop dumbbell rows are the solution to this problem that you didn’t know you had but will pick up on when you perform them and not only find the movement more challenging but also feel your back and lats working in ways that you’ve never felt before when doing one-armed dumbbell rows the way you were doing them. Continue reading How To: Deadstop Dumbbell Rows