Reasons To Start Cursing (During Your Workout)
As a child, your mother probably told you not to swear.
Being the obedient child you were, you listened to her, which is why your vocabulary is limited, as research has found that people with foul mouths have more extensive vocabularies.1A large vocabulary is a common marker of intelligence, so you fill in the blanks on what I’m getting at here!
Oh, and you listening to your parents is also why you have a low pain tolerance, as researchers have found that people who swear while holding their hands in ice water can last for double the time they can when asked to say neutral, or non-offensive, words.
Oh, and listening to your parents is also why you’re as weak as you embarrassingly are, as researchers have found that swearing while working out increases power and strength, none of which you have.2In two experiments, one group of participants were asked to pedal a stationary bike and another group to complete an isometric hand-grip test. Those who swore increased peak power by 24 watts on the ergometer and grip strength by 2.4 kg compared to the Catholic nuns who did the same activities without swearing.
Why does swearing have such a profound effect on pain, power, and strength? Continue reading Reasons To Start Cursing (During Your Workout)