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Why You Should Take Weight Loss Progress Photos

Why You Should Take Progress Photos written in text with image of a man taking a selfie.

Why You Should Take Weight Loss Progress Photos

Why You Should Take Progress Photos written in text with image of a man taking a selfie.

When it comes to weight loss progress, the bathroom scale is our go-to instrument.

If you’re like the average person, you step on it in the morning, before you go to bed, every fucking hour, hoping to see a number indicative of the change you’re after.

That change being that you’re becoming less of a fat mess.

The problem is that it doesn’t always play out like this.

Sometimes the scale doesn’t move in the direction you want, if it moves at all.

Rather than going down, the scale reading goes up or remains the same even though you’re doing EVERYTHING right!!!

If you are in fact eating properly and exercising on a consistent basis, there are a few things you can do.

Either keep relying on the scale and freak out every time it doesn’t indicate progress by moving.

Or dump the scale and track progress by other means.

Ahhhhhhhhhh, choices!

And what is life without ’em?!?!

Now, why the scale isn’t trustworthy is because it measures a myriad of non-bodyfat related things, which often results in a false picture of what’s really going on.

So how do you get a true picture of things?

By taking pictures!

Click through to go to to purchase POUNDS: Losing One At A Time.

Every couple of weeks, snap a few pics of yourself. The photos should be from the front, back, and left and right side and should be taken at the same time of day, in the same room, under the same lighting conditions, and standing in the same spot. The pics should also be taken in the same or similar clothes. That is, if you’re wearing any!

Ideally, you shouldn’t be wearing clothes in these pics because nudity allows for a better view of your body. Further, being naked is advantageous because the pics can double for your OnlyFans content. Yeah, you can kill two birds with one stone! If, however, you’re not an enterprising smut peddler and are that uncomfortable with your body to pose nude for yourself, then wear shorts and something that exposes your midsection and upper back if you won’t at least go topless.

After enough weeks have gone by and enough photos have been taken, what you can then do is look at them and visually tell if your body is going in the right direction or not and then make adjustments, if necessary.

Don’t hold me to it, but because these photos can help tell you if you’re making progress, they’re called “progress photos”.

…but that’s just a wild guess!

Glossary: exercise


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