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The Right Time To Start

The Right Time To Start written in text with image of a ringing alarm clock.

The Right Time To Start

The Right Time To Start written in text with image of a ringing alarm clock.

Oh, what you’re waiting for is the right time to start, huh?⁣

The right time to start exercising. To get in control of your eating habits. To make some other change to your health and physical appearance.

Okay, so we agree that you’re waiting for the right time to take action but when exactly is that?⁣

Maybe it’s after the holidays.⁣

Maybe it’s when your kids go back to school.⁣

Maybe it’s when work is less hectic.

Maybe it’s when January rolls around and you join the bevy of “new year, new me” fucktards.⁣

Maybe it’s when winter ends because it’s too cold and the extra layers of blubber are coming in real, real handy.⁣

Maybe it’s when summer’s over because it’s too hot to do shit and we haven’t invented AC or electric fans yet.⁣

Whatever the right time is, you should probably stop waiting for it.⁣

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There are a few reasons why you shouldn’t put things off until the perfect opportunity presents itself. One is that when you wait for this or that to happen, you give power to things that are outside of your control and take away your own agency. The second is that the longer you wait for the stars to align before undertaking an endeavor, the more likely it is that what you want to do is never going to get done as you fall into a deeper and deeper state of complacency with the status quo. Not only that but if you ever do begin the task that you’ve been waiting on the right conditions to arise for, you’ll have created even more work for yourself because of the bigger and bigger hole that you’ve dug for yourself that you then have to climb out of when you finally do decide to begin.⁣

Waiting for the moment when everything is ideal can make you a victim of circumstance. If victimhood is part of your self-identity, then keep doing your thing. And because waiting for the ideal moment can also have you waiting forever, keep doing your thing if you’re immortal and have all the time in the world to be patient until everything falls into place perfectly. Likewise, if you enjoy the possibility of making much more work for yourself than need be by prolonging your start time because you were a Puritan in a past life, then keep doing your thing and waiting, baby!

If, however, you’re into none of that stuff, then the right time to start is NOW!!!

Glossary: exercise, January, summer


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