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The Lesson Of The Day

The Lesson Of The Day

One of my clients doesn’t call sick into work, comes in on her day off if help is needed, and works double shifts when she’s drafted to without bitching and moaning about it. Apparently, she’s a good employee. Well, she’s back from a month long assignment in Arizona.

She started at 150 lbs and got down to 132 lbs before her job told her that she had to work out of town for the month. She had two options:

1). Use that as an excuse to fuck away several months of hard work


2). Try to the best of her ability to maintain her progress with no gym activity and less than ideal food choices.

After a month away, she came back yesterday weighing 137 lbs.

So it appears that she decided to go the second route.

The lesson here?

That it’s possible to make the best out of a bad situation?


The lesson is that you shouldn’t put yourself in a bad situation in the first place by being such a good fucking worker that your employer entrusts you with even greater responsibility that can help advance your career, which interferes with and is waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy less important than what you hired me to do!!!


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