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Always Look Back

Always look back! — Shit Monster Says

Always look back! — Shit Monster Says

Let’s just admit it.

Admit what?!

That you fuck up a lot!

Shiiiiiiiiittttt, it’s damn near comical just how many sure things you’ve fucked up in your life, from jobs, to relationships, to E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!!

Per usual though, I have some sound advice for someone like you.

And that advice is…?

That advice is that whatever you fucked up is in the past, where it shouldn’t remain!

Yeah, fuck up again by thinking about one of your unbelievable fuckups with regrets until you’re so consumed by them that you’re unable to move forward with your life!

Yeah, fuck up again by doing that rather than, I don’t know, not thinking about one of your many fuckups and if you do, only so that the one of many, MANY fuckups can help you not fuck up now or some time in the future as you self-reflect and learn lessons from yet another thing you were able to fuck up!

Yeah, do that!!!

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