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Sorta The Same, But Not Sorta

Sorta The Same, But Not Sorta

In my effort to enlighten you savages, I often share brilliant stuff that’s not written by me.

I know, it’s hard to believe that shit actually exists.

But it does!

Now, as many of you have come to find out via whatever interaction you’ve had with me, I’m not a believer in motivation.

I motivate absolutely nobody!

What I set out to do is to inspire (in addition to fostering discipline).

But wait, aren’t motivation and inspiration the same thing, you ask?

Ummmmmmmm, no!!!

And that’s why you should mosey on up to that link and click it to learn you somethin’ that might help you in your current and future endeavors!


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Monster Longe
Latest posts by Monster Longe (see all)

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noun [mod·uh·rey·shuh n]
the lie you always tell yourself about eating or drinking a lesser quantity of the food or beverage you ultimately eat or drink waaaaaayyyyyyyyy more of with reckless abandon and then play dumb at why you’re a fat fuck when you turn into a fat fuck, if not already one. see also: BULLSHIT


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A Brittany Moment

A Brittany Moment

So Brittany Dawn was recently revealed as a fraud.

Yeah, that Brittany Dawn who’s a big social media star that you’ve never heard of because being a social media star doesn’t really mean shit and is why the term “star” is used here as loosely as she apparently used her moral compass.


Who knew that someone who lists fitness influencer as their job title and says stupid shit like “cardio should never feel like you’re slaving away at something” would make a terrible coach?!?!

*mind blown*

Anyway, while you’ll look at this video and learn it’s kind of stupid to entrust your health to someone solely on the pretty selfies of themselves and how large a social media following they have, I’m looking at this video to learn from her mistakes on how to keep my own grand deception going of knowing a thing or two about this fitness jazz.

Talk about a win-win for me and you both!


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Monster Longe
Latest posts by Monster Longe (see all)

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Decent Person

It costs $0.00 to be a decent person. …a tad too rich for my blood! — Shit Monster Says

It costs $0.00 to be a decent person. …a tad too rich for my blood! — Shit Monster Says

Put your weights back after using them?

Let someone work in between sets with you instead of hogging the station while you go do another exercise allllllllll the way on the other side of the gym?

Disrupt the flow of your workout to give someone a spot so they don’t crush themselves into squishy goo?

Provide new gym-goers with advice rather than laughing at them and secretly wishing they’d hurry up and quit because they’re taking up limited parking?

Ummmmmmmm, what do Jesus, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, Jr. all have in common? Continue reading Decent Person