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The Health Benefits Of Jump Roping

The Health Benefits Of Jump Roping

Health Benefits Of Jump Roping written in text with image of a young woman jumping rope against a white background.

Are you a boxer? MMA fighter? Or even a 12-year-old girl with pigtails on the playground at recess time?

Wait, you’re not?!?!

Then why the fuck would you want to jump rope?

Because you’re reading this, you obviously don’t know why you would want to do such a thing. So maybe you should consider these five reasons, some of which will have you jumping for joy.1Get it? You’ll be jumping for joy with your jump rope. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself!


Jumping rope uses all of the muscles in the body, from the shoulders, biceps, and triceps twirling the rope; to the core working to stabilize the body; to the calves, glutes, quads, and hamstrings contracting with each jump as your body fat jiggles up and down to the chagrin of all those unlucky to be around.


Since lots of muscles are used at the same time, that means the body uses lots of energy in the form of calories, which is why jump roping burns more calories per minute than many other exercises, in addition to elevating the heart rate two to three times faster.2For example, 10 minutes of jumping is equal to 30 minutes of jogging. So yeah, less time thinking FML thoughts!


When performed properly so you land on the balls of your feet instead of flat footed, as well as jumping low rather than high, jump roping can place less stress on the joints than running because the impact of each jump is absorbed by both legs.3Wanna know what else has low impact? You mean, other than your effect on world history because you’re going to die a nobody? Well, there’s also that pittance of a paycheck from your dead-end job!


As we age, we lose calcium, resulting in the loss of bone mass. Jumping rope, as well as lifting weights, helps strengthen the bones so you’re not in a nursing home getting or giving backshots that break your hip and cause you to die a few weeks later.4If you have any history of fractures or a family history of osteoporosis, check with a physician before jumping!!!

Jump roping may also not be advisable if you have asthma, high blood pressure, or heart problems, at least not without first consulting a healthcare professional.

Another condition that may merit caution is pregnancy. In explanation of the reason why, it must first be said that jumping isn’t much different than jogging, which many pregnant women do. So in that regard, there shouldn’t be any issue with jumping rope while pregnant so long as contractions aren’t felt. To minimize this from happening, simply don’t jump that high and make sure not to land with your legs apart, as that intensifies contact with the ground. However, while jump roping while pregnant is safe and many women do so, there are some opinions out there against the idea. As such, you should consult with your OB/GYN, or other qualified physician, to determine your individual risks and benefits.


Jumping rope can help with your balance and hand-eye coordination, making you less awkward than you currently are. By the way, that’s less awkward in terms of your clumsiness. Jumping rope isn’t going to do shit about your social awkwardness, you fucking future lone gunman, you!

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Jump roping is overlooked as an exercise intervention, especially in regard to cardio modalities. But it’s one of the most effective forms of exercise for the above reasons. In addition, it’s convenient and fun to do, thus ruining two of the most popular excuses for not working out, one of which is not having access to a gym, treadmill, whatever. That particular argument is rendered moot because a jump rope is portable and a workout with it can be performed anywhere, with the equipment in question costing as little as $20 for a good one.

As for the other excuse killed by the jump rope, it’s that of not doing cardio because doing it on a machine, if not doing cardio itself, is boring. As opposed to something like running where there’s little to any variation that can be done to the act of rapidly moving the feet as the body hurtles through space, there are endless jump rope tricks to learn and implement that can vary a jump roping session from one to another, which helps to silence that particular argument.

With all of that said, you now know all of the benefits of skipping rope!

Oh, by the way, jumping rope is also known as “skipping rope”!5As observant as ever, I saw the puzzled look on your face and knew you needed an explanation.

So yeah, thanks to what you’ve just read, you now know the benefits of skipping rope so you now have something else to skip out on other than your children, you delinquent fuck!


Glossary: biceps, calories, cardio, exercise, glutes, gym, muscle, treadmill, work out, workout


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