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Decrease The Goal

Don't increase the effort, decrease the goal — Shit Monster Says

Don't increase the effort, decrease the goal — Shit Monster Says

Whatever you want to do takes a lot of work.

Too much, in fact.

Let’s just look at it.

If you want the body of your dreams, let’s say, then you have to go to the gym before or after yet another physically demanding day stuck behind a desk.

And when you go to the gym before or after yet another physically demanding day stuck behind a desk, you have to grind out reps with heavy ass weight as it feels like your muscles are on fire.

And when you go to the gym before or after yet another physically demanding day stuck behind a desk and grind out reps with heavy ass weight as it feels like your muscles are on fire, you have to bore yourself to death with cardio.

And you have to do that again the next day…

…and the next day after that…

…and the next day after that…

…and the next day aft…you get the fucking point!!!

Boy, is that a lot of work!

But wait, there’s more!!!

Because the body of your dreams has more to do with nutrition and not just working out, you also have to plan all your meals days in advance, go grocery shopping, carry the groceries in and put them away, prep and cook shit, place everything in Tupperware, wash the sink full of dishes, wipe down the counters, repeat all this shit again 3-4 days later.

Fuck, that’s a lot of work, not to make mention of a bunch of other shit that you also have to do, like stay active outside of the gym and weigh and track every single thing you eat.

Know how NOT to have to do all that work?

By coming to your fucking senses and realizing you were a tad too ambitious in what you hoped to accomplish, with you scaling it alllllllllllll the way back rather than…ummmmmmmm…committing yourself even more to doing what’s necessary of you to reach your goal faster so you can get it over and done with.

That’s how!


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